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Welcome to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

Advanced Cardiac Database

The OFA and the ACVIM announce the implementation of the new Advanced Cardiac Database.

New Videos

Using OFA In Your Practice - a presentation by OFA Board Members Drs. Frances Smith and Jerold Bell presented at the Western Veterinary Conference in February 2015.


The AKC Canine Health Foundation and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals Fund Research to Reduce the Risk of Infectious Disease Transmission Among Dogs

UPDATED Frequently Asked Questions regarding the new OFA Eye Certification Registry


OFA Formalizes Additional Discount Rates

As a not-for-profit organization, the OFA has managed within our existing fee structure without any type of fee increase since 2008.

Effective immediately, we are pleased to offer three new discounts to our breeder clients:

OFA Eye Certification Registry Litter Rate:  $30 per litter — three or more siblings from a single litter submitted together.

OFA Eye Certification Registry Kennel Rate:  $7.50 per dog — five or more applications submitted together with at least one owner in common.

Mixed Soft-Tissue Database Individual Rate: $7.50 per application — three or more soft tissue applications submitted together on a single dog (example: Cardiac, Patella, and Eye applications on single dog submitted together) - *Note – this discount does NOT apply to any applications requiring radiographic evaluations.

Other news

How the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) is tackling inherited disorders in the USA: Using hip and elbow dysplasia as examples

New Health Surveys

The OFA Mission: To promote the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease

OFA Sticker for use on web pages

Feel free to use this sticker image on your website, with a link to the OFA website at http://www.offa.org

OFA Sticker


Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

Animal Health Trust

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