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Di Honey and daughter Tayla a sweet Vixens team

When the sporting Honey family finally sat down to watch some old footage of one of the elite netballers in its midst, eldest daughter Tayla, an aspiring Australian midcourter and Melbourne Vixens training partner, saw for the first time the player her mother Di had been.

"It was really good, actually," the 19-year-old admits, cheerfully. "I've always watched the Diamonds and seen them in action and thought 'Oh well, that's what I want to be'. And then to actually wind back the clock and see her [Di Honey] in the same position, it was quite interesting."

Di Honey laughs when she recalls the moment shared with husband Neil (pole-vault bronze medallist at the 1986 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games) and children Tayla and 15-year-old twins Josh and Olivia. "They all sat there and were like 'Hmmm, you know, you weren't bad'," says Di. The former Di Atkinson played 17 times for Australia from 1985-89, including as a speedy, dynamic member of the silver medal-winning team at the 1987 world titles.

As the assistant to Vixen head coach Simone McKinnis, Di is now in the unusual position of being on the Super Netball coaching staff of her daughter's team, with Tayla promoted last weekend as the temporary replacement player for the injured Khao Watts in the 59-51 defeat of the ladder-leading Giants.

There was no court time, not yet, and the position is to be reviewed on a weekly basis while Watts rehabilitates from knee surgery. But Tayla – who has inherited the natural speed and competitiveness of both her parents, but her father's quieter nature – was thrilled to be there and Di quietly proud, the pair having also collaborated for three years thanks to the latter's head coaching role at Geelong Grammar.

"It doesn't really feel too much different to just a normal coach," says Tayla, a first year law student. "When we do get out in game situations she treats me like any other player and I treat her like any other coach, so I'm pretty used to it by now. People looking in might think that it's a bit strange but we're both really professional and used to it. She's like my mum at home but a coach on game day."


Di says there was a bit of a nervous "ooh" moment when the call-up became known. It soon passed. "And once the game started, if she'd have had to go on, I would have gone 'Yeah, it's my daughter', but then I've got my professional hat on, so that would have taken over. It's nice to have her there, and she was excited to be included, so it was good for her."

Nor is it in the former player's nature to promote or, in her words, "pump up" her offspring, even if Tayla has been an undeniably quick learner since taking up netball at the relatively late age of 11. She then spent several years as a goaler before switching to the midcourt due to a relative lack of height that is nevertheless about 10 centimetres in excess of her mother's.

A state under-age representative from under-15 level upwards, she progressed through the local pathways to ANL team Victorian Fury before her most recent elevation as a Vixens' midcourt back-up doing all she can to remain in the 10-player squad for Sunday's local derby rematch against the Magpies.

"Of course I hope so, but I'll take whatever happens," Tayla says. "I really enjoyed the whole atmosphere on the weekend and being alongside such quality players was really exciting. But I'm just really happy that I get to train alongside the Vixens every week, so either way I'm still going to be happy with the progress that I've made."