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Here's a glossary of Tinder bio terms to help you decide which way to swipe

 In the early days of storied shag app Tinder, bios were few and far between; a couple of photos and a name was all it took to determine whether or not one was going to swipe left or honk the green love heart.

As time went on, Tinder began its slow evolution into a dating app (so much so that Tinder Social now lets you skip straight to the friendzone). Sure, plenty of people still use it purely for hook-up reasons, but as many have turned to it to escape dating sites overrun with polyamorous Richard Dawkins fans, so too have they learned to describe themselves in 500 characters or less.

For ages I bemoaned the relative lack of bios among male Tinder users (women seem to be marginally better at it). After all, if the hunky Luke Evans lookalike I'm considering swiping right on has any "unique" ideas about gender roles, or self-identifies as a "raconteur", I'd prefer to know up front.

Now, on the other hand, with an embarrassment of bios to peruse, it seems there are certain phrases and hallmarks that (just like photos taken at the races, with drugged tigers, or holding large fish) have become part of the Tinder collective unconscious: they're everywhere.

So, to help you decipher the next profile you click on, I've put together a handy guide to what certain Tinder bio catchphrases really mean.

  • "Easygoing"

Spent 45 minutes composing his Tinder bio.

  • "Easy going"

Spent 45 seconds composing his Tinder bio in between drop-ins at the local bowl.

  • "If you have duckface/dog filter/too many selfies/etc, swipe left"

I descend into apoplexies of rage whenever I see a dude's Tinder bio that spends the bulk of its 500 characters discussing the sort of woman they don't want to swipe right on them. Surely the very fact of their sour, critical bio means any of those women (and any woman in her right mind) would have swiped left long ago?

This dude would absolutely, positively tell you your bum looked big in those jeans. He also enjoys the smell of his own farts.

  • "No kids, no marriage"

This guy is far too earnest for Tinder but realised there had been a mass extinction event on the dating site he's been using since 2004, and has jumped ship to where the action is. At least one profile photo will be a selfie with his pet dog or cat.

  • Any use of the word "banter"

As the sage relationship/life writer Anna Johnson once said, "Abandon the date who flops in their chair and declares blandly, 'I love a woman who makes me laugh'." I can't help but feel the proliferation of banter-obsessed Tinder profiles suggests a generation of fellows who reckon that when they get cranking with their mates at the pub on a Friday afternoon and share a few jokes, the "banter" is humming along at levels that would make Larry David and Larry Charles' dialogue seem flat. In reality, "banter" with this dude is probably operating at late-period Farrelly Brothers levels, at best. Will absolutely tell you a racist "joke".

  • "Drama is a disease I don't have"

"...But you'll probably get tinea from my dingy shower cubicle if you haven't already been put off by my alarming collection of Rambo memorabilia, bathroom cabinet full of creatine capsules and fake tanners, or sheets the colour of a decomposing corpse."

  • [quote from Before Sunrise]

Will stare at you in your sleep.

  • [quote from Fight Club]

Will murder you in your sleep.

  • "Not here to get stuck in endless chat conversations"

"As fun as it is texting back and forth for a week or so before disappearing into the ether, I'd prefer to reject you in real life after a so-so date, farewelling you with a passionless hug that ensures neither of our crotches are within two feet of each other."

  • [a list of ten or twenty emojis symbolising interests]

This guy will be fun at first, but gradually you'll realise he's almost pathologically incapable of discussing anything of importance, especially his emotions, in great depth. If you ask him anything important via text or messenger, he will respond with the "tick" emoji.

Will also continue thirst-liking your Instagram posts for years after you've forgotten he existed.

  • [only the Cool Dude emoji]

Obviously this is your perfect match. Smash that 'superlike' button as soon as possible.