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Scary Mommy blogger reveals she is divorcing husband because he is gay

The couple behind the popular American "mommy blog" Scary Mommy, Jill and Jeff Smokler, have announced that they are divorcing because Jeff has come out as gay.

The couple have been together for 23 years and married for 17.

Jill Smokler, who is also a bestselling author, made the announcement in a Facebook post last week in which she wrote that Jeff's sexuality had been "a reality which we have faced together for many years." The love that they had for each other had been, she writes, until now, enough to sustain them through the "more difficult moments that our increasingly diverging sexuality created."

In the post Smokler goes on to write that the couple, who have three children together, remain "deeply committed to one another as partners and co-parents."

"[W]e are very proud of the life and family we have built together. We have been true partners and friends; we are a kickass team," she writes. 

Smokler, whose blog struck a nerve with millions of parents for its ethos of parenting not needing to be perfect, goes on to say that her greatest hope is that their experience as a family will allow their children to be "empathetic, caring and open-minded children who learn to embrace their differences... and respect and appreciate that which makes others different, too."


Smokler's post has been met with support from the community that she is established, with more than 140 comments on her Facebook post including from women who have had similar experiences and others showing their support for Smokler.

"Amazing people can do amazing things," wrote one. "Well, you've just captured my journey as well. 30 years together, 25 married ...we do the best we can at co-parenting. It's been a difficult journey but living authentically was really the only option for us. May your journey continue to be a healing one," wrote another.

Jill Smokler's husband Jeff also wrote a blog post on Scary Mommy about coming out. Titled, When love isn't enough, Smokler describes having two choices in his life: stifling his sexuality and his authentic self, or coming out and hoping for love and acceptance from those that matter in his life.

"Once I came to terms with the fact that I was gay, I figured I had two options: I could die — either from my intentional neglect of my health and well-being, or perhaps from something even more tragic —leaving my children fatherless, or I could come out and hope that I remained surrounded by the love of my friends, family, wife and children. Like I said, seems like a pretty easy decision," writes Smokler, who says that he and Jill's marriage had been "largely defined by a shared secret."

While their marriage didn't last, he writes, it fortified them both to keep going, even when it wasn't easy, on the path to being true to themselves.

 "[W]hereas love simply wasn't enough to keep us together, it turns out it comes in real handy in times of strife," he writes.