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Married women due to give birth three weeks after each other

This sounds...stressful, but amazing.

A married couple in the US have revealed they are both pregnant: and due to give birth within a month of each other.

Makeup artist Toby Fleischman and her wife Lindsay Lanciault will give birth three weeks apart.

Fleischman, who works as a makeup artist for stars like Evan Rachel Wood and Ruby Rose, shared the news on her Instagram account.

"Everyone always says they want to get pregnant with their best friend and I just happened to be lucky enough to be married to mine," she wrote.


"Our 'twin' boys will be joining us this summer and we couldn't be more elated!"

The women have since shared their story to a number of media outlets.

"When I met Lindsay, it was absolutely clear that she was someone that I wanted to raise children with," Fleischman told PopSugar.


#bumpin #17weeks #20weeks

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Fleischman said she had decided to try for a baby first, because she is the older of the pair. The couple secured a donor and inseminated at home.

However, after a miscarriage and some other complications, Lanciault decided she should take over, a decision which the women agreed placed a strain on their relationship due to jealousy.

"I wish more women had spoken openly to me about it before and during our process. It wasn't until I started sharing the details with some friends that I learned I wasn't alone," Fleischman told Babble.

After making some lifestyle adjustments, Fleischman found out she had fallen pregnant in the same month as Lanciault started her own fertility treatment.

The next month, Lanciault got the news she had also fallen pregnant.

Both women will be giving birth to baby boys.

"We have this huge responsibility to raise respectful, compassionate, feminist men," Fleischman told Popsugar.

Fairfax Media