Your stars with Lilith

Your stars with Lilith

Concerning this week's Venus shift, I think astrologer Hunter Reynolds expresses it best: Thank god for Venus retro, the greatest relationship coach in the solar system…

ARIES: Aries' creative juices get their annual boost during April, making this week's brief to refresh traditional methods with modern technology in your own inimitably sassy style. Mercury visiting your house of self worth supports all moves towards radiant authenticity, and suggests extending and expanding your capacity to receive.

Sagittarius, the Archer.  In mythology, Sagittarius represents the creature known as the centaur - half man, half horse. The centaur was supposed  to  hold a bow and arrow aimed at the heart of Scorpio, a neighbouring constellation

Sagittarius, the Archer. In mythology, Sagittarius represents the creature known as the centaur - half man, half horse. The centaur was supposed to hold a bow and arrow aimed at the heart of Scorpio, a neighbouring constellation

TAURUS: When Mars in your house of personality teams up with Mercury, that's a double-whammy indicator for an image upgrade: but one with strong roots to your core essence. That under way, this week's Tauran traffic alert carries a road-rage caution, so take care, give way, don't take risks, drive conservatively.

GEMINI: If this week has you enthused and expending energy in all directions, chasing your tail to no avail, fortunately there's also the counter-balance of your primo planet Mercury's move to structured, steadying Taurus. Which will help keep in check those throw-away comments which can chill communication and undermine trust…


CANCER: With Venus in sensitive Pisces, emotions tend to get intense, so try not to interpret everything too personally this week. Good news is that being forewarned allows you to slip on the flameproof heavy-duty ''crabsuit'' that filters fears and feelings before they affect your public status or professional world.

LEO: This week ignites your fiery drive, but personal determination and infectious enthusiasm alone just aren't enough to get the job done – because everyone needs cooperation and support from others to succeed. No worries though: not with late week Leo moon lavishing your charm over allies and competitors alike.

VIRGO: This week you either revisit the past or it comes calling on you ready or not to face it, embrace it, then let it be and move on. If you feel the need to deliver a dose of reality, do it without raining on anyone's parade – however far-fetched or fanciful their plans seem to you.

LIBRA: Venus retreating midweek into the sign of fish swimming in opposite directions pits exhilarating risk against sensible security. What to do? Be extremely discerning, as in selecting only what's truly for the highest good. Though it's already been suggested, you may have to say no a lot more before you finally agree.

SCORPIO: When powerhouse Mars in your partnership zone meets midweek Venus backtracking into your past, something or someone's likely to resurface for appropriate resolution and closure. Scorpios are revolutionaries at heart, and late week Leo moon flings open the stage curtains for the ritual smashing of a passe old pattern.

SAGITTARIUS: Saturn, the planet of reality checks retrograde in Sagittarius outs those embarrassing blinkers we all wear. Fire-sign blind spots often involve being passionately attached to a belief as though it's true. Saturn asks: True for whom? And why waste time judging others instead of attending to your own business?

CAPRICORN: If you find an urge to simplify complicated interactions just isn't working, remember relationships are precious precisely because they're complex. Surrendering to this week's whole-hearted, full-on, in-your-faceness could reignite your passion to explore past easy answers. Make harmony in your immediate environment a priority.

AQUARIUS: Current touchy/feely levels are definitely surplus to Aquarian requirements, replete as they are with needy attention-seekers emoting all over the place: so not your thing. But even with the best intentions, this week breeds more questions than answers. Approach them open-mindedly, let go of prejudice.

PISCES: Whenever Venus enters her 40 day-40 night retrograde, we get to see more deeply beneath the surface than usual to those robotic hidden habits we didn't realise we had. While the love planet's midweek retro into Pisces sharpens your insight, it takes honesty and brave determination to make the follow-through changes.