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Dear Jess: How do I tell my friend her latest love interest sounds like bad news?

Q. My best friend has just started a relationship with a man I don't like the sound of. She's told me stories about his past that are unbelievable, as well as his excuses for remaining in contact with his ex-girlfriend. Even though I haven't met him yet, I don't think he's right for her. Should I tell her?

A. Fine Friend, clearly you want your bestie to be happy, so you should tiptoe around this new relationship. You haven't met her new bloke yet, but already you're making judgments about his suitability. Hold your fire – at least meet the man before you totally demolish him.

Sometimes, too, it's important that people find things out for themselves. I once ignored warnings from my girlfriends about the character of a man I was seeing, though I was suspicious of his middle part. I convinced him to visit my hairdresser only to realise that the makeover wasn't enough to make over his personality. There are times when we have to learn the hard way.

Q. I have a five-year-old cat I love very much and recently decided to purchase another kitten from the same breeder. All was going well until I mentioned that my current cat is allowed to wander outside in the day (wearing her cat-tracker device). The breeder now refuses to sell me a kitten unless I can prove I've installed a cat enclosure in the shared garden of our apartment block.

A. Fellow Crazy Cat Lady, I get the sense that you're a caring pet owner, given that your cat wears a tracking device! I thought I knew everything about pussy cats but this is the first time I've heard of technology being used to keep our feline friends safe. I don't usually advocate lying, but in this case there's no problem with a wee fib to make sure you can get your new kitty.

Or better still, adopt a kitten from one of the many pet rescue organisations. My Audrey (god rest her paws) came from the RSPCA and lived happily for almost 18 years.

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions.

Contact me via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe Twitter:@JessRowe