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'Stop trashing your colleagues': China treaty failure sparks war between Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull camps

The federal government's failure to ratify the China-Australia extradition treaty has sparked open warfare between supporters of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott, with the ex-prime minister unloading on his "cowardly" colleagues for briefing against him and botching the treaty deal. 

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop delivered a slap to Liberal MPs, who on Monday threatened to revolt and cross the floor rather than back the treaty, which was signed by the Howard government in 2007 but never ratified.

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PM's embarrassing China backflip

Malcolm Turnbull scraps plans to ratify the extradition treaty with China after opposition from all sides of politics on human rights grounds.

She accused those dozen MPs - including Eric Abetz, Kevin Andrews, Andrew Hastie, Trent Zimmerman, James Paterson, Dean Smith and Tim Wilson - of effectively not trusting Australia's own legal and political system to block extradition to China when a person set to be sent there faced, for example, torture or the death penalty.

Mr Abbott on Friday intervened in the debate over the treaty, which has been shelved, much to the embarrassment of the Turnbull government, providing News Corp details of a briefing note from his former Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, dated December 19, 2014.

The note stated that Australia should not ratify the treaty because of problems with China's legal system, Mr Abbott claimed, and that China would be notified by Australia that ratification could not proceed. Ms Bishop and Justice Minister Michael Keenan had also agreed, in September and October 2014 respectively, that Australia would not move to ratify.

In his most pointed comments since losing the prime ministership, Mr Abbott said he released the document to "set the record straight" after senior government sources claimed he had backflipped on previous support for the treaty.


"Ministers in the government should spend less time trying to trash their critics and more time trying to govern the country," he told radio 2GB.

"It is a very, very bad practice for senior members of the government to start blaming everyone but themselves when things go wrong.

"Plainly, the whole extradition treaty business was badly mishandled by senior members of the government.

"There was plenty of official advice that we should not do this." 

Mr Abbott added: "The job of government is to solve people's problems, the job of government is to explain why the policies of the government are right and necessary.

"It's not to go around trashing colleagues. 

"Hopefully they will finally learn the lesson that briefing against colleagues - that cowardly anonymous briefing against colleagues - is very destructive to a team and very counterproductive to a government."

Mr Abbott's decision to release details of a high-level briefing note has prompted an immediate, furious response from high-level sources in the Turnbull government, underscoring the still-lingering tensions over the leadership.

"What Mr Abbott has omitted to mention is that there was subsequent advice in May 2015 from the Department of Foreign Affairs that recommend the government ratify the treaty. That advice was supported by [then ambassador to China] Frances Adamson," the source said.

After a delay because of the leadership change [in September 2015] the Foreign Minister and Justice Minister wrote to the Prime Minister and provided this advice. The government then moved to ratify the treaty.

The intervention from Mr Abbott and response from within government, means that - unusually - high-level bureaucratic advice that normally remains confidential has now been placed on the public record.

The tit-for-tat leaking of information from supporters and opponents of ratification has, effectively, become a proxy war for internal supporters and opponents of Mr Turnbull and Mr Abbott.

Senator Abetz, one of the government members who threatened to cross the floor, told Fairfax Media that Ms Bishop - and all other MPs - should show respect over such a sensitive issue.

" In matter such as this, it's important to have mutual respect and I would advise those in government who don't share our views, to treat me and other colleagues with respect," he said, pointing to the plight of Professor Chongyi Feng, who is currently being held in China.

"Men and women of good faith can come to different conclusions on the same matter."

" I have great confidence in our judicial system; it's the Chinese system that concerns me."

Labor's deputy chair of Treaties Committee, Michael Danby, said the Foreign Minister was "bullying her colleagues to pass this extradition treaty" and that that "shows she doesn't understand widespread Australian concern, including those in her own party, about the 99.6 per cent conviction rate in China or about its human rights record".

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