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Val Kilmer can't stop, won't stop tweeting about Cate Blanchett

Val Kilmer can't stop tweeting about Cate Blanchett. The proof can be found on his Twitter handle.

Here he is looking pensive and reflecting on how much he loves Cate Blanchett.

And here he is proving that famous people also get starstruck by other famous people.

He also really digs the way Blanchett wields a shovel (pun!).


So you see, Val Kilmer really loves Cate Blanchett. But is he being creepy in his enthusiasm? The internet is a little divided. Over at Mashable the verdict is yes, and that Kilmer's tweets are a "tad unsettling." Complex however think that Kilmer is the "unexpected Twitter god that you need to follow right now."

So which category does Val Kilmer fall into?


For what it's worth, Kilmer doesn't think he's being creepy. There's nothing creepy about loving someone, he said.

And to be fair, he is not singular in his devotion. He also loves Jessica Chastain.

And Carly Simon.

And Bridget Bardot.

And Angelina Jolie. (And, presumably, gardenias)

He also has a lot of love for Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Jimmy Page and Mark Twain. And otters.

The thing is, it turns out that Val Kilmer loves a lot of things. He has a lot of enthusiastic opinions and viewpoints that he shares on Twitter.

This, perhaps, is the best one.

This seems like the point with which to finish this non-conclusive investigation as to whether Val Kilmer is creepy or just enthusiastic.