

Donald Trump's treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin could face ethics probe over Lego Batman plug

The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee asked the government ethics watchdog to review comments by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin plugging The Lego Batman Movie, a film one of his companies produced, for a possible ethics violation.

In a letter to Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub, Senator Ron Wyden said he was concerned that Mnuchin had violated his ethics agreement signed in January in his comments on Friday at the end of a live interview with the Axios news website.

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Trump's treasury secretary may face ethics probe

US President Donald Trump's Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin could face an ethics probe over a Lego Batman plug

Mnuchin had agreed to divest his interests in RatPac-Dune Entertainment Holdings LLC within 120 days of his confirmation, and "not participate personally and substantially in any matter that has a direct and predictable effect on the financial interests of the entity" unless first obtaining a waiver.

RatPac-Dune, co-founded by Mnuchin with producer-director Brett Ratner and media billionaire James Packer, has produced and financed a number of Hollywood hits in recent years, including AvatarMad Max: Fury Road and The Lego Batman Movie.

At the Axios event, Mnuchin was asked in a question from a reader for a movie recommendation.

"I'm not allowed to promote anything that I'm involved in. So I just want to have the legal disclosure, you've asked me the question, and I am not promoting any product," Mnuchin said. "But you should send all your kids to Lego Batman."


The comment drew laughter from the audience at the Washington event.

Wyden said the Finance Committee had received no notifications regarding Mnuchin's holdings in RatPac-Dune and assumed the Treasury chief still held that interest.

"I am concerned that Sec. Mnuchin's comments may be seen to have a predictable effect on the financial interests" of RatPac-Dune, Wyden said in his letter.

In a statement, a Treasury spokesman said: "As his statement reflects, the secretary clearly recognised that he generally may not promote private interests and specifically gave the legal disclosure that he was not promoting a movie, but answering a question he was asked directly."

The OGE recommended last month that the White House should consider disciplinary action against President Donald Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway for her on-air comment on Fox News Channel promoting the clothing and jewellery line of Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump. Conway said people "should go buy Ivanka's stuff."

The White House later told the ethics watchdog that Conway had acted "inadvertently" and without "nefarious motive or intent to benefit personally."

The Lego Batman Movie, released in February in the US, saw its Australian release date controversially delayed by local distributor Village Roadshow, in an effort to capitalise on school holidays.

The film, which has already earned $384 million at the global box office, opened in Australian cinemas on Thursday. 

Reuters, Fairfax Media