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School hair furore shows basic misunderstanding of anti-discrimination law

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So two students at Bentleigh Secondary College have been pulled aside by their teachers and told the rules and told to comply. At their school, there is a strict dress code. The students, twins born in South Sudan, wear braids. The hairstyle makes their hair healthier and easier to manage. Beyond that, it is a form of cultural expression. But it is contrary to the school's strict dress code.

"The policy applies equally to all students," cries the school principal.

On a surface level, this may seem true. When we discuss discrimination, we may encounter a common response: "This rule applies to everyone – so how can it be discriminatory?"

This instinctive retort is common, but it misunderstands the entrenched disadvantage that anti-discrimination policy aims to address. Say the rule states: "no student can wear braids". This rule applies to every student – so far, so equal.

But within Australian anti-discrimination law, a rule, despite its universal application, is nonetheless discriminatory if: Complying with the rule would not be reasonable; and the rule would result in a specific race not enjoying any human right on an equal footing.

Notably, "human right" includes the right to education, the right to freedom of expression and the right to equal participation in cultural activities. This is necessarily a simplification – but the general gist of the law is here.


This body of law rightly recognises that treating all people the exact same way will do nothing to alleviate entrenched disadvantage based on race, sex, or other characteristics (and it has since the '70s – anyone who is not on board with this notion should really try harder to keep up).

So – "no student can wear braids".

What if students of African descent find it far easier to manage their hair in braids? What if students of African descent wear their hair in braids as an expression of their culture? i.e., what if the rule unfairly affects students of African descent?

In brief – it is discriminatory.

The school in question argued that the rule was not discriminatory because they also asked white students who have returned from holidays in Bali to remove braids. This line of thinking is worrying. It seems the school spokesperson cannot see that an African girl expressing her culture and a tourist experimenting with a hairdo come from a different starting point.

Australia is notable for many things. Successful multiculturalism is one of them. A lack of any substantial human rights law is another. Despite that, we do have a body of anti-discrimination law that, for the most part, works quite well (don't let the 18C sideshow distract you from the bigger picture). It is a body of law that represents Australia's best hopes for itself. And it applies directly to all providers of education. These providers of education would do well to familiarise themselves with its most basic principles – treat similar people the same way; don't treat different people the same way.

Or, leaving the anti-discrimination law aside – we could just let women wear their hair, makeup and clothes however they please.

Madeline White is a Fairfax Media columnist.


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