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'It's scary' - why rungs are disappearing on the wage ladder

There is more to income inequality than the famed 1 per cent versus the 99 per cent, or standing chief executives next to average workers.

Inequality in wages, new research has found, is increasingly defined by where you work not what your job title is.

Stanford University economist Nicholas Bloom and colleagues conducted the research that shows income inequality is being fuelled by the gap in pay between companies – not within them.

That is because the best-educated and most-skilled employees are increasingly found clustered in the most successful companies, fuelling rising inequality in wages.

"It's scary because it becomes a vicious cycle in that if the best employees cluster in some firms and you learn from your colleagues, how do you ever move up the ladder? The ladder has got longer and the rungs have started to disappear," Professor Bloom said.

His study published in the Harvard Business Review says that in an increasingly winner-take-all (or at least winner-takes-most) economy, the best-educated and most-skilled employees cluster in the most successful companies. Their incomes are rising dramatically compared with others working for less successful companies. 


"This corporate segregation is accelerated by the relentless outsourcing and automation of non-core activities and by growing investment in technology," Professor Bloom says.

"It's no accident that a company like Google became a flashpoint for controversy; its employees fare much better than workers almost anywhere else."

In an interview with Fairfax Media, Professor Bloom said top performers were clustering in some companies and bottom performers in others.

"There are certain companies like Google and Amazon that are Hoovering up all the superstar talent and the rest are being left behind in struggling firms," he said.

"The economy is becoming increasingly ... winner takes all.

"You see the great sorting of the best paid, most educated, most able employers moving into the winning firms and the rest are being left behind." 

Professor Bloom and his colleagues looked at US employers and employees from 1978 to 2013. The analysis found the average wages at the firms employing individuals on top incomes have significantly increased.

"I think it is kind of frightening for inequality going forward because if you think that the way to get ahead is to work with and learn from elite employees, now either you start life as an elite employee in one of these firms, or you just get left further and further behind," he said.

"Fifty years ago there might have been a bit of mixing and even if you weren't a superstar your neighbour might be and you could copy the way they work and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. But now that is no longer possible because all the superstars are in a different company."

Professor Bloom said a similar process of selection was taking place in other industries including retail, universities and sport.

"Elite universities have become very selective," he said.

However, there are also clear signs of inequality between ordinary workers and managers within successful companies including retail giant Walmart.

The research found two-thirds of inequality was found across firms, while the remaining third was within firms.

"The top 50 or so managers in very big companies are doing incredibly well," Professor Bloom said.

"The bottom half are doing pretty badly. In real terms since 1980, the median employees in large firms are paid 7 per cent less. So the median employee in large firms hasn't even kept up with inflation over the last 35 years."