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Australian patients urged to return their EpiPens because of worldwide recall

The manufacturer of the life-saving EpiPen has issued a recall because of a defective part.

Four recent batches of EpiPen for adults (300 microgram adrenaline injection syringe auto-injectors) sold in Australia are being recalled. The batches amount to approximately 80,000 devices worldwide.

The recall was started because of two confirmed cases of the auto-injectors failing to activate correctly or needing more force than normal.

EpiPen is used in emergency situations to treat people who are having a severe allergic reaction (also known as anaphylaxis), including to nuts and bee stings.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration said there was a risk that a patient may not receive the required dose of adrenaline in time, if at all.

"If this happens, it could result in a worsening of the potentially life-threatening symptoms of anaphylaxis," it said.

If your EpiPen is from batch 5FA665, 5FA6651, 5FA6652 or 5FA6653 (all of which expire in April 2017), return it to your pharmacy.

Photo: TGA

The administration is urging those with EpiPen's from batches 5FA665, 5FA6651, 5FA6652 or 5FA6653 (above and all of which expire in April 2017) to return them to their pharmacy.

Pharmacists will replace the EpiPen free of charge.

No other batches of EpiPen, including the child's version (EpiPen Jr 150 microgram adrenaline injection syringe auto-injectors), are known to be affected by the issue.

Patients are advised to keep their current auto-injector in case of emergency, until a replacement is received.

US company Meridian Medical Technologies manufactured the recalled product.