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Royal commission into child sex abuse about restoring faith

I can only remember four words of a conversation with Justice Peter McClellan after the final day of evidence in Newcastle about the Hunter region's tragic history of child sexual abuse involving churches.

It was September 8 last year, and we were standing outside Newcastle Courthouse. For more than a month the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard devastating evidence of abuse in the Catholic and Anglican churches, of cover-ups and the appalling treatment of survivors.

I know I thanked Justice McClellan for his public acknowledgement of the Newcastle Herald's role in the royal commission's establishment. But what I said is lost in a mist of age, exhaustion and the emotions stirred up by those weeks of public hearings.

I know he referred to the length of time I had written about child sexual abuse, but the exact words are gone. The only reason I know Justice McClellan said something like that is because I remember my three-word response: "You know why."

We were shaking hands at the time. The late-afternoon traffic trundled or thundered along Hunter Street a few metres away, Justice McClellan's car was waiting nearby, but for a few seconds it was a club of two members, joined by acknowledging the courage, grief and sadness of other people's lives. Silence was the only response.

Only a few hours earlier the Marist Brothers acknowledged what too many men already knew – that just three of its many predatory Brothers had many more victims in the Hunter and beyond than the dozens already known.


The Marist Brothers also broke the silence of more than four decades and admitted "all the evidence" pointed to Andrew Nash being sexually abused by a Marist Brother before his suicide, aged 13, in the bedroom of his family's Hamilton home in 1974, with his mother Audrey and siblings only metres away.

Audrey Nash is 91. She thinks of Andrew every day. His face – caught in that transition between boyhood and adolescence – smiles from photos in the loungeroom. She talks to him "all the time".

Justice McClellan broke the short silence on September 8 with one word: "Yes."

He knew why a person would start writing about child sexual abuse by a priest in 2006, still be writing about it in 2016 and 2017, and almost certainly continue into 2018.

In an opening statement on Monday, on the first day of the 57th and final public hearing of the royal commission, Justice McClellan committed to delivering the final report to Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove on December 15.

I predict the breadth, scope and likely implications of the royal commission's recommendations will surprise many, and point to profound change.

As prime minister Julia Gillard said in 2013, the royal commission would "change the nation".

I've been asked how I've felt about the royal commission many times, given the Herald's campaign in 2012 after the suicide of loved father, beloved son and NSW fireman John Pirona, the victim of a notorious Catholic child sex offender priest.

I can't answer that question in the way people expect.

In the article that started the Herald's campaign I wrote that Australians had "lost faith in governments. We've lost faith in people in authority. We've lost faith in the politicians who purport to represent us. We've lost faith in the media. We've lost faith in the idea that everyone is equal before the law. And because of the child sex crisis, we've lost faith in faith itself".

The royal commission has been about Australians restoring some of that faith by holding the powerful to account, and committing to change systems that have desperately failed so many.

It is not pride that I feel but sadness, still.

For those who live with the consequences of this tragedy, and those overwhelmed by it and no longer with us, I only wish that none of it had ever happened.

Joanne McCarthy's reporting in Fairfax-owned The Newcastle Herald led to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which began in 2013.