

Dentist parlays his MasterChef fame to battle celebrities spruiking sugary foods

"The thing is," says Matthew Hopcraft, "we're not listened to as much as a celebrity who is not an expert."

He was talking about the often-pernicious effects of famous people who are paid large amounts of money to promote the tastiness and desirability of junk food and sugary drinks.

Celebrity endorsements – such as Beyonce plugging Pepsi, or entire football teams being sponsored by sports drink manufacturers – are, many experts suggest, key drivers in the rising tide of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay and a host of other non-communicable diseases.

Hopcraft is uniquely placed to have an opinion on the matter. In one incarnation, he is a clinical associate professor at the Melbourne Dental School. In another he is "Matt, the cooking dad", who reached No.6 in the 2015 season of MasterChef before flaming out in a spat with Marco Pierre White over the role of pecorino cheese in bechamel sauce.

His television fame is, of course, nowhere near as massive as that of, say, Hugh Jackman or Freddie Flintoff – which means he won't be asked to spruik Lipton Iced Tea any time soon – but it has turned out to be strangely enduring.

"I still get people talking to me about the show," he says.


Many MasterChef finalists go on to careers of varying success as television presenters or magazine columnists, but a few months after his season ended Hopcraft was persuaded to leverage his household-name status for a different purpose.

He became a diet activist, heading up an organisation called Sugar-free Smiles that campaigns to reduce sugar consumption in children. A 20 per cent tax on sugary drinks is top of the to-do list.

This combination of celebrity and expertise will find him this week back on stage, at the 15th World Congress on Public Health, a major academic bunfest hosted in Melbourne. He will be sharing the bill with another researcher, Vivica Kraak from Virginia Tech in the US, who specialises in studying celebrity endorsement and food consumption.

"A few months after the show I was approached by a colleague who spends three sessions a week pulling rotten teeth out of kids' mouths, which is really horrifying and traumatic," Hopcraft says.

"She said to me, 'Matt, you're the highest-profile dentist in Australia now – we have to be doing something about this'. It made sense, because I had an unusual position that most people in the dental health space just don't have. So we started Sugar-free Smiles."

The messages of his organisation – that one in two children aged 12 already have decaying adult teeth, for instance – have been trumpeted by professional dental associations for years. Hopcraft's assumption, or hope, is that sprinkling them with a bit of celebrity fairy dust might help them cut through a bit.

Interestingly, it's pretty much the same assumption food and drink companies make when they decide to pay a star to appear in advertisements, or opt to sponsor a sporting code. It probably works – but whether star power drives increased consumption of unhealthy stuff remains unclear.

"We do not have enough evidence to say there is a cause-and-effect relationship," says Vivica Kraak.

"However, we do know that companies partner with celebrities to build brand awareness and brand equity. Businesses partner with celebrities based on their credibility – representing trust, attractiveness and expertise – and 'fit' with a brand and a target group."

Whatever the ultimate nature of the link between fame and food, it's easy to see why celebrities are so easily persuaded to plug junk food and soda: it pays big bucks.

In the US, Beyonce's association with Pepsi is rumoured to have netted her $50 million. By that measure, Justin Timberlake sold his soul cheaply by accepting (so the gossip suggests) a mere $6 million to plug McDonald's.

In 2016, research by scientists at New York University's department of population health found that between 2000 and 2014, at least 65 pop stars had done advertising deals with 57 US food and beverage brands. Only one was considered healthy – a campaign to sell pistachios fronted by South Korean Gangnam Style singer Psy.

Linking junk food with sport – and thus with sporting heroes – is also a common marketing strategy. Research by the Cancer Council of NSW in 2016 found 11 food and beverage companies were that year sponsoring junior sport development in the state. All except one made unhealthy stuff.

But do these campaigns boost sales? The answer is an overwhelming "perhaps".

A 2013 study led by the Victorian Cancer Council into the marketing to children of "energy-dense and nutrient-poor products" (which is boffin-speak for crap) found that sports celebrity endorsement made boys more likely to select a brand.

Surprisingly, nutritional claims on the packet, however, were just as influential, and across genders.

Perhaps the most obvious way to counter any deleterious effects of celeb advertising is to persuade stars to follow the lead of Hopcraft (and Jamie Oliver and, OK, Psy) and endorse healthy food and drink.

The trouble is, no one's sure if that works either. Earlier this year, Vivica Kraak published research into a two-year US public campaign that used 82 celebrities – including Michelle Obama, Jessica Alba and Nick Jonas – to plug fruit and vegetables to young people.

The study concluded that "there is currently no empirical evidence to show that these celebrities have had any measurable influence on raising awareness or influencing the diet-related purchasing or consumption behaviours of Generation Z teens and Millennial moms".