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My Kitchen Rules 2017: Josh slams MKR producers over televised 'slut' slur but Karen says it's all Josh

Yep, he actually said the word slut on national television.

But he has since come out claiming that a My Kitchen Rules producer tried "blackmailing" him into expanding upon the comment as part of the show's continual push to paint him a villain for the sake of ratings.

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MKR: 'Thanks slut'

In an inflammatory moment Josh says "thanks slut" as Amy serves him food in Amy and Tyson's My Kitchen Rules instant restaurant, while other contestants are not impressed. Vision courtesy Channel Seven

"[A producer] followed us to the hotel, took the lift with us, followed us to our hotel room, the entire way hounding, pleading with us, blackmailing us, and then had the audacity to justify this behaviour as 'doing her job'," Josh told the Kyle and Jackie O show on Wednesday.

The self-appointed Broome "Seafood King" sent jaws crashing into dinner plates on Wednesday night when his overzealous mouth delivered one of his more tacky responses to a jab from a fellow competitor. 

Amy, of the Queensland brother and sister duo with Tyson, was serving Josh entree during the second round of MKR's ultimate instant restaurants, when she made the subtle crack:

"Here you are seafood king."


To which, Josh instantly replied, "Thanks slut," with a giggle. 

While Josh and his wife (the other Amy) found the exchange funny, the other contestants appeared far from amused. Valarie, in particular, flashed Josh an unimpressed look.

Della told the cameras in her post-dinner interview:"That's so rude. If he was my husband, he would have copped an elbow to the groin." 

Amy was shocked, but not shaken. "To hear that... it's just rough," she said. "It's kind of typical Josh." 

For his part, the seafood king explained on camera that it was meant as a bit of lighthearted fun. 

"Amy's joking with me, I just wanted to joke back," he said. "I just hope that she knows it's a joke. [I'm] just trying to break the entree tensions." 

For fellow contestant Karen the "slut" comment was only part of the issue, telling Fairfax Media: "That is how Josh is; he's a bit controversial and he does have an opinion but the thing that upset me the most was how he attacked Amy, his wife, when he's cooking and I think it's really unnecessary some of the things he said and even the way he speaks to Amy.

"From my point of view there's no need for it and we're in a cooking show and it's about respecting the people around the table and yes, have an opinion but you don't need to treat anyone like that. It just got on my goat."

Josh's slur hasn't gone down well. Despite his fellow contestants previously defending him, the social media hate has come thick and fast. 

In a last-ditch effort to scrub clean his bad-boy image, Josh called in to Kiis breakfast radio before the episode aired to express his "shock" at MKR for showing the comment and to accuse the unnamed producer of painting him into a corner over it. .

"They were saying if I didn't do certain things, they were going to portray that [the slur] differently," he said. "They were telling me how they were going to edit it unless I played ball." 

Karen, however, has defended the show and producers, saying: "There was no way he was pushed into saying 'Thanks slut' when you have two people sitting next to you. No way have Channel Seven said that to him. He's an adult and he makes those decisions and it was his choice to say that. And anyone would know that, that's disrespectful.

"We all know that we're mic'd up. I mean everyone who has ever watched the show knows that every single thing you whisper and say that you're all mic'd up.

"Look I think Josh is a little bit immature and we don't know what's going to be actually shown when the show goes to air but he said that comment and you don't have to say anything that you don't want to say in that show."

The deckhand also claimed he and his wife's stint on the wildly popular reality television show was extended on purpose because his verbal tiffs with the other contestants made excellent ratings fodder. 

"When we cooked against Kelsey and Amanda, Amy and I were pretty much ready to go home," he said. "I can guarantee you they swung it in a way so we stayed in the competition."

Although Karen admitted that she was served raw fish by Josh and Amy during the Sudden Death elimination against Kelsey and Amanda, she said the judges got better servings.

"I don't think Pete and Manu would compromise their judging as chefs to keep him on," she told Fairfax Media. "I think Josh may say that but it is a cooking competition at the end of the day and Pete and Manu's reputation is based on what their taste is, so I can't see that Pete and Manu were told by production to keep Josh on because of the ratings."

Karen said she didn't dislike Josh and would happily have a reunion drink with him, but she did have to pull him aside about his treatment of women, especially his wife.

"Josh and Amy are pretty good most of the time when we were filming but I don't think Josh copes very well with stress. I think the thing with Josh is that he's never been put in situations with so much stress to stay in the competition and obviously that brought the worst out of him."

While she believes that producers may have targeted him because he was behaving badly, "he's done that off his own bat". "Josh doesn't do anything that Josh doesn't want to do."

As for her own portrayal, Karen believes the show has been a true reflection of her and fellow midwife Ros.

"We are really happy that we've been shown as who we are, because ... we love cooking, we're great friends and we had a lot of fun. I mean it is stressful cooking for a lot of people under a time pressure but as midwives we're  also used to stress so I think we did handle the stress better than some of the other teams," she said.

"We haven't been overly controversial but we've always had an opinion about the food and other people's food and that's what you do. You're critiquing the food, not the people. And that's one thing production has said to us and that's what we've always done. So I think what Ros and I were shown was a true reflection."

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