
Deaths of the Poets review: What is the price of poetry?

Two English writers and academics set out to investigate the myth of the suffering, self-destructive poet: "Is it true that great poems come at a heavy – ultimately fatal? – price?" Setting out is literally what they do: the book is structured around a series of pilgrimages, to the bridge at the University of Minnesota that John Berryman jumped off, the beach on Fire Island where Frank O'Hara was run over, the field in Normandy where Keith Douglas was shot in 1944, the Chelsea Hotel where Dylan Thomas was staying when he died after those 18 whiskies.

It was Dylan Thomas whose self-mythologisation was so strenuous and so self-conscious that he single-handedly gave the whole doomed poet thing a bad name: the backlash came in the form of the Movement poets – Larkin, Amis, Donald Davie and the like – strenuously and self-consciously overestimating their own normality. And Farley and Roberts also want to look at poets who managed to stay the course. (Both disciplined and extreme, Auden manages to explode the binary).

Deaths of the Poets by Paul Farley and Michael Symmons Roberts.

Deaths of the Poets by Paul Farley and Michael Symmons Roberts.

Photo: supplied

These trips naturally are less macabre and involve visits to pleasant suburban houses, sometimes now inhabited by keepers of the flame, sometimes not: Wallace Stevens's executive home, the consulting rooms of William Carlos Williams, who becomes a particular hero for the anti-doomed poet side of the argument: he was a paediatrician and helped with the birth and upbringing of half the people in his town; life, you could sentimentally say, was his day job.

The book shifts focus all the time, as the original question proliferates and gets somewhat lost in its offshoots: what is the point of literary pilgrimage and the concern with a poet's traces? What remains of a poet after his death? Some poems, an archive, a set of anecdotes (some of dubious veracity), i.e. a myth? Some, the Dickinsons and Frosts, enter the bloodstream of the culture, quoted by characters in The Sopranos and exploited by local tourist authorities: the English seem especially keen to turn poetry into yet more heritage tat, in Hull Farley and Roberts go on a Larkin walk, complete with audioguide.

Then there are those who seek obscurity, and die as poets while continuing to live as something else, such as Rosemary Tonks, who gave up writing and a decadent '60s London lifestyle to embrace fundamentalist Christianity and Bournemouth. Or, barely assimilable by either side of the argument, John Riley, randomly murdered one night while out on a solitary nocturnal walk that might just count, statistically speaking, as a risk-taking activity, though hardly what you would call "self-destructive"; his name is now known only to specialists and friends. There is probably too much going on in this book, but it is suggestive all the same.

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