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  1. Who the hell was that squawking with mariah?
  2. June gloom in july sucks mightily. Send blankets and firewood. SOS!
  3. @sarawara I don't think MJ transcended race as much as he tried to erase it. Physically.
  4. anyone following perez' twitters has to laugh in light of his first comment on the topic:
  5. Church is overrated. Tithe to me so I can stay home 4eva. In return, I'll think nice things about you each day (which is more than god does)
  6. Did the gardening sorted photos chauffeured the teen made a pork roast. Fek off martha stewart you got nothing on me. I LOVE UNEMPLOYMENT!
  7. Childbirth is overrated. Somebody please declare me an unfit mother and remove this 17-year-old demon from my horrid home. Thanks!
  8. I'm showing my husband the inanity of Twitter and strggling with explaining the purpose or value. Any ideas?
  9. I am doing everything I can to avoid getting in my car and driving for 7 hours. One last cigarette and then the road must be hit.
  10. @nilla623 listen to sara. I'm so sorry this happened but it isn't your fault. You did the noble thing and acted from your heart. Boys R dum
  11. Passion of the Christ would have been better with a good Bollywood ending. Singing, dancing, and lots of bright colors cheer up anything.
  12. @nilla623 Hang in there, hon.
  13. @nilla623 uh oh, hon. Doesn't sound good. We need a girls night stat. Pajamas and lots of rum. And maybe some voodoo dolls.
  14. The Day the Earth Stood Still was a disappointing movie. Normally it's worth it just to drool over keanu but even he couldn't pull this out.
  15. @debbaworks Fox Nation has told her not to let the door hit her on the way out. We cannot survive as a single party nation. Sad dem here.
  16. I'm pretty sure I'm dying. It's the hog flu.
  17. I like Doctor Nilla
  18. My stomach hurts. I figure this is as good a place as any to whine some
  19. Paris has been yanked from my hands like the last pair of Christian Laboutins at a Neiman Marcus sale. Le sigh.
  20. Might be headed off to Paris in June - unexpected treat!