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Julie Power
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New admiration for scientists after spending an hour or two with Dr Gonsalves in cold water up to our waists, and our photographer James Alcock, in search of these little fishing bats. We found them and some lovely leeches who got very attached to me as we left via bushland. 

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Sometimes I get to meet lovely people and do stories about great projects, and this is one. thanks to Peter Rae, SMH photographer 

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I was appalled to find these women are often told, just like rape victims, that they asked for it. These romance scams are an epidemic being perpetrated by sophistical syndicates run like telemarketing operations. Yep some have bad English and are pretty obvious, but the 22 year old who convinced tracee he was a marine in his 40s had been to school in the USA and wrote pretty good  English, better than many people I know. Enough from me. 

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heartbreaking story about a mother who abandoned four children, two dumped in public places (one in a loo) and the other left at the creche nearly 50 years ago and never picked up. 

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an amazing bit of reporting by Rory .. please share .. 

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Do refugees get extra from the PM if they pack Clive Palmer, journos, anti-school chaplain lobby etc ? I'll throw in a few bob if they take screaming kids , my chooks that aren't laying and all the kids that say 'like'. 

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These are the printers who got the SMH to the streets without fail since 1995. Gave $25,000 pool of money to charity, although the Chullora plant where 130 employees worked closed today leaving them without jobs. I think sometimes we forget that us reporters, photographer and subs are just cogs in one big chain that appears to be getting smaller, link by link .. plant by plant. 

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