
In focus: Lyndon Terracini, Artistic Director of Opera Australia

Exclusively for Herald subscribers, we spoke to Lyndon Terracini, artistic director of Opera Australia, as Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour returns with one of the most well-known and loved operas of all time, Bizet’s Carmen.

Plus, Opera Australia would like to extend Sydney Morning Herald subscribers an exclusive 20% off midweek performances of Carmen on Sydney Harbour. Find out more about this fantastic offer here.


Lyndon, can you tell us how you got into the performing arts?

Lyndon Terracini: I grew up in the Salvation Army so from a very early age – I think I was about 3 or 4 years of age – I started singing and then I learnt to play all of the brass and percussion instruments at the Salvation Army. My family were very involved in the Salvation Army so music was a huge part of my life from very early on.

You’ve worked as a singer, director, screenplay writer and a musical composer – what have you enjoyed the most?

LT: Singing. I’ve enjoyed all of those other activities but they were really, in all sorts of ways, complementing what I did as a singer. I was fortunate to be able to work as a singer for 30 years and it was a wonderful time. I got to visit many places all over the world as a singer and that was a very enjoyable part of my life.

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