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The right time to stop crime is just before it happens, says new NSW Commissioner Mick Fuller

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"You've got to take it to them," says the new police commissioner, Mick Fuller, sitting in his old office in a darkened and empty NSW Police Centre on Saturday morning. "They have to leave their home at some stage."

The way Fuller sees it, there is no point in locking a crook up after they have committed a crime when you can nab them before they get that far in the first place.

This was the philosophy Fuller used to crack down on domestic violence across the state when he assumed responsibility for the field back in 2014. In general, crime rates were falling, but not so for those suffering violence at the hands of their partners.

Partly, says Fuller, this was because the crime was normally committed behind closed doors. But Fuller believed it was also because too much was demanded of the victims. They needed to summon the courage to report the crime, they needed to take out Apprehended Violence Orders, and even then all the police could do was lock people up after they broke the orders and attacked again.

So Fuller opted for a more interventionist approach. Under his command known offenders were watched. A cop might sit in a car outside a victim's house and arrest a man for breaching an AVO before he even got to the front door. He boasts that on one occasion a man was picked up for walking a dog off a leash.

"The point with the broader philosophy of disrupting crime, is that you arrest someone for whatever offence you can get them for." The strategy works, he says, because likely offenders soon learn that they are being watched, they just don't know when they are being watched.


Asked if that could lead to unfair harassment Fuller argues that once someone had demonstrated they are reformed, attention will shift. Resources are too stretched to target the innocent.

In many ways, it turns out, Fuller is an old fashioned sort of cop.

He has little time for the renewed debate over the decriminalisation of drugs, arguing that users are not targeted by police in any event. Fuller was in charge of Kings Cross during the heroin glut and says the only time a user was ever picked up was in order to pursue a dealer. He is unapologetic about the controversial use of drug sniffer dogs at dance parties, where, he says, young people die after ingesting unknown chemicals.

Why not let them test the pills then?

"From a health perspective I absolutely understand that argument, but wouldn't it be better if there was enough respect for authority that people didn't take them to the dance party?"

Fuller is as big on personal responsibility as he is on respect for authority.

People need to take some personal responsibility and realise that if you are going to snort cocaine tonight you can't walk away from the fact that you are continuing to perpetuate organised crime.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller

"People are going to snort cocaine tonight and they are going to watch the news and be disgusted by a drive-by shooting, not realising that organised crime is basically driven through the sale of illicit drugs.

"People need to take some personal responsibility and realise that if you are going to snort cocaine tonight you can't walk away from the fact that you are continuing to perpetuate organised crime."

In Fuller's view organised crime ranks with terrorism as the most significant policing challenge the state faces, and he is of the view that they are inextricably linked.

Terrorists, he says, need money to operate and they raise their money through organised crime, particularly the trade of illegal weapons and drugs.

That said, he recognises that very few people will ever become direct victims of a terrorist attack. A person may have their car stolen without it having much affect on their lives, he points out, but still lie awake at night worrying about terrorism. His job, he says, is to manage both.

Casting back to our conversation about domestic violence he notes some women, "probably [have] a bigger threat going home on a Friday night after the footy team loses than you ever are of something happening like a terrorist attack."

That said, he believes that the public's trust in the NSW Police Force's capacity to respond to terrorism was probably dented by the Lindt siege incident, for which he was the original commanding officer.

Perhaps the most controversial immediate task Fuller has is to reorganise the NSW Police Force, a machine of over 16,500 officers that is known to be resistant to change.

During his pitch to the Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, Fuller said he was determined to "break down the silos" that the force is divided into. Asked to expand on this he explained to Fairfax Media that at present the force is divided into 76 Local Area Commands, each of which runs as an independent silo. On top of that there are the specialised units, such as Robbery, Homicide and the Middle Eastern Crime Squad. These, too, run as silos.

Fuller believes this model causes waste and duplication – each silo needs a management and support structure of its own. Worse, he says, the silos compete with each other for resources when they could be more focused on their common mission.

Demonstrating some political nous, Fuller refuses to speculate as to which silos might go.

Demolishing the silos might be made harder due to the fact that he inherits a senior staff that was allowed to factionalise into camps favouring the two senior officers once considered most likely to inherit the office Fuller will take over on Monday morning.

Asked how he plans to unite his team, Fuller says he will simply remind them their duty is to the community and the force rather than any faction that might have existed before his appointment.

Is he daunted?

"I find I'm not a very stressy person."