Relevant Heresies

by Brett Stevens (April 1st, 2017)
Relevant Heresies

Among human groups, a tendency arises to use the power of the group to suppress disturbing ideas. The origin of this arises in the fear of the individual of not being included, and so the group criminalizes exclusion. This creates a society of tolerance, acceptance, low standards and entropy, because by not rising to a […]

Forging A Perfect Conservatism

by Brett Stevens (April 1st, 2017)
Forging A Perfect Conservatism

I have a dream that someday conservatives will recognize the root of our ideology as making all people equal through having the right rules and values. That we will rise from our primitive origins, cast aside our primal tribalism, and instead affirm equality under law and Christian values as the basis of our future. I […]

Finding A Way Forward Past The Corpse Of The West

by Johann Theron (April 1st, 2017)
Finding A Way Forward Past The Corpse Of The West

We stand at an interesting time in history. The accelerating idea of the past thousand years, individualism, has fallen. Something new will take its place. Visualizing this however proves difficult because the modern society mixture — democracy, consumerism, equality and diversity — is all that we have known, so we are treading in uncertain mental […]

Interview with Jim Goad

by Brett Stevens (March 31st, 2017)
Interview with Jim Goad

From some years ago, an interview with Jim Goad that never really seemed complete, but nonetheless is an interesting view into this intriguing thinker, activist and troll. We are fortunate to present his words here on Amerika as a way of understanding the complex philosophy from which he comes. Without further ado… You are known […]

Los Angeles Schools and The Dolezal Option

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (March 31st, 2017)
Los Angeles Schools and The Dolezal Option

So how much are you willing to pay for the right to publically announce that you are White? How much of a negative externality are you willing to place on your neighbors? Let’s submit racial identity to a von Nuemann-Morgenstern Preference Lottery. If Johnnie Whitebread would pay $750/child/month to subscribe to the Caucasian Persuasion like […]

Brexit Signals The Coming Wave Of Government Obsolescence

by Brett Stevens (March 30th, 2017)
Brexit Signals The Coming Wave Of Government Obsolescence

Liberal democracy won — during the past era of history — because of fear. People feared being excluded, or rejected for their bad decisions, or even being persecuted for political trends. Instead of option for cooperation, they attempted to control compulsion by making it “good” or universally accepting. That created a cascade of other bad […]

Miscegenation Creates Heartbreak

by Brett Stevens (March 30th, 2017)
Miscegenation Creates Heartbreak

In dying times, the knowledge of the past is lost, leading to tragedies of displacement within the soul which bring misery: Overt discrimination has happened sometimes, but the feeling of “otherness” has plagued me all my life. My halcyon memories of holidays in Ireland are marred by occasional smudges. I remember my father building sandcastle […]

Reddit Bans The Phrase “Bash The Fash”

by Brett Stevens (March 30th, 2017)
Reddit Bans The Phrase “Bash The Fash”

Reddit has long been known for one-sided censorship that favors Leftists and punishes Rightists, which is why yesterday’s banning of the user “Marusama” seems off-narrative. This user had posted the following: This is in response to reddit admins complaining about “Bash the Fash” comments. And yes I did leak this from meta, but fuck it […]

Why Bother Sending Kids To School In NYC

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (March 30th, 2017)
Why Bother Sending Kids To School In NYC

Amerikan Tennis Thug John McEnroe put the terrible in enfant terrible. But there are those days when you can want to just channel Bratty John and yell out: “You cannot be serious!” You see reading is no longer just fundamental in NYC. It is now fundamentally racist. The Whorer! The Disparate Impact theories of Civil […]

Why The Left Is Anti-White

by Brett Stevens (March 29th, 2017)
Why The Left Is Anti-White

Much drama and conspiracy-analytical thinking has gone into trying to understand why Hollywood and the Left are consummately anti-white, casting non-white actors to play white roles and portraying white people as stupid, incompetent and weak. It seems like a conspiracy, since we see the same thing in politics that we do in movies and literature. […]