‘Creative Space’ campaign and website launch

September 15, 2014

Fairfax Media launches ‘creative space’ campaign and website to showcase its innovative digital advertising solutions

Fairfax Media today announced the launch of a new website and trade marketing campaign to showcase its digital advertising solutions across its mobile, tablet and desktop platforms.

The campaign concept ‘Give your creativity the space it needs’ has been used to highlight the vast range of digital advertising opportunities offered by Fairfax Media on brands such as The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Daily Life and Good Food.

The four week campaign will run across trade and social media channels to promote Fairfax Media’s new website, creative.adcentre.com.au.

“The ‘Creative Space’ site is a great way for us to educate and inspire our advertisers by sharing examples of our standard, rich media and custom solutions,” Fairfax Media Digital Ad Development Director Tereza Alexandratos said.

Featuring a creative gallery, the site allows advertisers to browse digital display and content ad solutions, view videos or scroll through images of the individual ad units, access ad specs or request more information.

A video showcase has also been produced to display examples of the visually engaging campaigns that have run across Fairfax Media’s digital platforms, using standard, rich media and custom ad solutions.

In addition to trade media sites, the campaign will also appear across social media channels, with targeted Facebook page posts and promoted Tweets on Twitter. It will be promoted on Fairfax Media’s LinkedIn page (Fairfax Media LinkedIn) and the Fairfax Digital Innovation Services (DIS) YouTube channel (Fairfax DIS YouTube Channel).

“Almost eight million Australians access Fairfax Media content digitally each month on web, tablet or mobile.* This new site allows us to demonstrate to our advertisers, through examples of our work, that the opportunities to engage with our audiences in unique and interesting ways are endless,” Alexandratos said.

The campaign creative and website were developed by Apparent.

Producer: Ben Morrow

Creative: Josh Evans

Motion Graphics: Andy Miller

Marketing by Fairfax Media’s Trade Marketing team.

Source: emmaTM, conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ for the 12 months ending July 2014, Nielsen Online Ratings, July 2014, people 14+ only.

About Fairfax Media

Fairfax’s network of leading information, marketplaces and entertainment brands provides powerful connections between advertisers and large, diversified audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand. As the trusted voice, Fairfax informs, engages and entertains audiences and communities. Every day Fairfax empowers and enriches the lives of millions of people with independent, quality content and great experiences.