Holden's 'mullet cut amnesty' day no April Fool's Day joke video


Dave McNicholl drives away with a new Holden Astra after being the only person to turn up at a Mullet Amnesty Day in West Auckland on April Fools Day.

Mullet fan Daniel McNicholl thought he was going to be the victim of an April Fool's Day prank.

However, the joke was on others as the West Auckland man was the only person to front at a Holden dealership on Saturday to have it cut off and ended up driving away in a new vehicle valued at more than $30,000.

McNicholl's win was part of a "Mullet Amnesty Day" that had been advertised in the spirit of an April Fool's prank, and offered people a chance to exchange a haircut for a new vehicle.

Daniel McNicholl has his mullet chopped by Holden Ambassador Greg Murphy.

Daniel McNicholl has his mullet chopped by Holden Ambassador Greg Murphy.

McNicholl and his family were the only ones who arrived at the Holden dealership at 10am to try their luck.

They were astonished to discover the offer was real when they were met by professional race car driver Greg Murphy and a hair stylist from Rodney Wayne.

"I thought it was probably joke, but I decided to turn up in case it wasn't and I'm bloody glad I did," said McNicholl.

McNicholl's partner, Whitney Harris, was just relieved he hadn't followed her advice in the months prior.

"I've been telling him to cut his mullet off for ages, I'm glad he didn't listen to me!"

The new Holden Astra comes as a welcome relief for the family who had their last vehicle stolen, and without insurance they had been unable to replace it.

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