
On top of a volcano - Jacques Philipponneau and René Riesel

This unabridged version of an article published in Le Monde on December 4, 2014 features reflections on the meaning of the recent wave of protests and riots that have swept France over the last year (2014) in response to accelerated industrial and commercial development projects, in the context of a worldwide environmental and social crisis, observing that “we are witnessing the birth of a conception of life that is hostile to the one that is imposed by domination”.

Killing for development - M.A.R.C.U.S.E. (Autonomous Movement for Critical Reflection for the Use of the Survivors of the Economy)

A brief analysis of the implications and broader significance of the ZAD movement in France (ZAD: Zones to Defend) in the wake of the killing of a demonstrator on October 26, 2014 who was protesting against the construction of a dam in southwest France.

Praise for ZAD - Some unfanatical zadophiles from Nantes, Grenoble, Carcassonne and other places

A brief encomium for the ZADs of France (ZAD: Zone to Defend), local organizations of anarchist-influenced anti-development activists fighting against construction projects (e.g., airports, dams, eco-tourism) that threaten to destroy communities, ways of life and nature, written and distributed after the French riot police killed a demonstrator on October 26, 2014 in Sivens who was protesting against a massive dam project.

L'enragé no. 1

L'Enragé No. 1

A reprint (in both French and in English translation) of no. 1 of L'Enrage, a satirical journal founded by Jean-Jacques Pauvert and produced in France during the May 68 events. Translated by Ruth Porter.

Ba Jin and the “Arshinov Platform”

Ba Jin.

A short article on the connection of the great Chinese novelist and anarchist Ba Jin with the Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists

The Problem of the Workers’ Paper (1955)

An article by Daniel Mothé that opened a dis­cus­sion on the prob­lem of the work­ers’ jour­nal, which was car­ried on in issues of Social­isme ou Bar­barie.

2007: Interview with the CNT-F's International Relations Secretary

An interview with Jérémie, International Relations Secretary of the CNT-F, during the recent I07 conference in Paris. This interview was made by CGT comrade Ronny Stansert for the Swedish SAC's magazine, "Arbetaren".

A dying colonialism - Frantz Fanon

Algerian students battle French tanks, Algiers 1960

An account of the Algerian war for independence from France, and its cultural effects on the local population including the revival of previously suppressed customs and attitudes.

My time on the Metro: TEFL teaching in Paris

A short blog reflecting on working as a travelling TEFL teacher in Paris and, in particular, the stress of daily unpaid travel time.

Critique’s quarrel with church and state (excerpt) - Edgar Bauer

Sketch of Edgar Bauer

The young Edgar Bauer (1820-1886) was credited by Gustav Landauer and Max Nettlau with founding the anarchist tradition in Germany. The following is a selection from his 'Der Streit der Kritik mit Kirche und Staat' (1843), pp. 260-269. After the failed 1848 revolutions Bauer renounced radicalism and embraced conservatism.