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Above: Image by Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw
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For THE STARK FIST BY EMAIL, announcements emailed every month or ten from the Church HQ, ALL SUBGENIUS MINISTERS should join the SubGenius mailing list by filling out this simple, tiny form:

Your Email:

(Even if you gave us your email address, you must sign up for this yourself! That's part of making it spam-proof.)

Thousands of SubGenii are now using Facebook, initially meeting via the two official pages, CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS and SUBGENIUS FOUNDATION. These are updated with Hour of Slack show links every week, and the occasional major official announcement (events, new products etc.) More interactive and lively ones are THE SLACK HOLE and the unofficial CHURCH OF THE SUBGENIUS one. Another fun freak show is SUBGENIUS OF THE DAY. Anyone can visit these, and they lead to plenty more.


Our friend Rev. Tater Gumfries started SCRUBGENIUS, a new Members Only forum on Google Groups. Any DUES-PAYING $35 SubGenius minister can join, but anybody can be thrown out too.

You will have to join Google Groups -- most people probably already have -- which costs nothing, and you will then apply to join ScrubGenius. You must give your "human name" -- the one you first ordered your Membership under -- or otherwise give us something to look up in our records, like a physical or email address that we would have from your order.

ScrubGenius is where you'll find chatty gossip, caustic humor, inner-church secrets and old-school rants by such long-time SubGenii as Rev. Stang, Rev. Susie the Floozie, G. Gordon Gordon, Dr. Legume, etc.

From 1986 to about 2009, alt.slack on Usenet was the main SubGenius forum. Unfortunately, because it was unmoderated, it acted also as a kind of "kook flypaper," and in later years it began to draw so many -- er, how to put this? Our formerly great newsgroup is now about 90% what we might call extremely jealous unbelievers, Pink Boys, the Differently Saned, obsessive spurned fanboys, occultist ninnies who claim they're Dobbs or God, racist psychos and other "Bob"less paranoid PinKooks. Most of the "Rev. Ivan Stangs" that post there are not the real one, for instance, and (we hate to disappoint you) none of the so-called "Bobs" there is the One True J. R. "Bob" Dobbs. So, for pure inadvertent kookery and frothing, poorly-spelled butthurt, by all means see good old alt.slack. Just don't expect to see any actual SubGenii there. For the unsullied SubGenius news, gossip and interaction with trusted fellow Ministers ONLY, try:


For more free but very outdated ranting and news, see Stang's News Blog, the old SubGenius Reverends blog, the ancient Yahoo SUBGENIUS GROUP E-LIST, or the decrepit Euro-SubGenius Yahoo list.

Items of more personal and archival interest can be found at Rev. Ivan Stang's YouTube channel and at Puzzling EvidenceTV, among many others that will no doubt present themselves.


You can, with a credit card, or PayPal, just flat-out give us money, for NOTHING:

Please show the SubGenius SlackMonks and WebNuns your appreciation by clicking the button to donate. All proceeds go to the Home for Slackless Children in Dobbstown, Malaysia. WON'T YOU HELP??


This "updates" page has been around for several years now, and the previous layers of it form an almost geological history of SubSITE (though not of the Church itself, which has been public since 1980, and secret since 1953). The older Updates pages also form a loose "secondary index" of this gigantic website and an excellent pointer to the real highlights down through the ages. A good place to start is the Updates6 Page. From there you can go back, waaaay back, to a time of wonder and mystery. Explore dead links, find hidden treasures!