Big four banks justified in hiking interest rates

My view that many of our finest economic minds can be found at 65 Martin Place.
My view that many of our finest economic minds can be found at 65 Martin Place. Louie Douvis

Three cheers for the brave bankers bold enough to hike home loan rates in a bid to tackle the beast that is the great Aussie housing bubble.

While banks do have obligations to the community under their "social licence"—taxpayers guarantee their debts and liquidity in return for assurances of responsible decision-making—the banks' first commercial priority is to maximise shareholder profits while minimising risks.

Bank boards have historically concentrated purely on optimising returns on equity (RoE), which tells us nothing about risk. Without adjusting performance for some measure of the probability of loss, management is incented to swing as hard as they can for the bleaches. If you are too-big-to-fail, you can, after all, bugger the consequences.

Now before I'm accused of being a preternatural Reserve Bank of Australia basher, let me once again reiterate my view that many of our finest economic minds can be found at 65 Martin Place. As my editorial boss, Michael Stutchbury, is fond of saying, the RBA is one of our greatest institutions.

When governor Philip Lowe's head hits the pillow at night, he knows in his heart of hearts that rates are too low.
When governor Philip Lowe's head hits the pillow at night, he knows in his heart of hearts that rates are too low. David Rowe

Yet this does not mean it is beyond reproach, even if commentators and economists who rely on the monetary mandarins for the good oil can be reluctant to put their treasured source under the pump.

Anyone who has ever worked inside the RBA knows that its biggest shortcoming is the highly hierarchical, insular (external hires are rare) and tenure-based organisational structure that can become encumbered by group think. This allows even our best and brightest to occasionally make silly decisions.

Stutch's editorial genius is that notwithstanding his undoubted admiration for Lowe & Co. he believes even more passionately in the illuminating power of debate, which is why this curmudgeonly columnist can go at them hammer and tongs.

So make no mistake, when governor Lowe's head hits the pillow at night, he knows in his heart of hearts that rates are too low. It's just a question of when he musters the fortitude to embark on the challenging journey back to normality.

Some might think the banks have done the RBA's dirty work for it. And in the case of borrowers, or the liability side of household balance-sheets, they would be right.

The mere fact the RBA is not jumping up to offset the banks' demonised hikes with a cash rate reduction is tacit admission that its 2016 cuts were horrible mistakes.

Jacking up loan rates is a universal good insofar as it will help cauterise what was an increasingly destabilising bubble while also expanding the banks' net interest margins and RoEs at a time when the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is justifiably boosting capital requirements and compressing their still lofty 20 times leverage.

But increasing home loan costs does nothing to normalise Australia's 1.5 per cent cash rate, which equates to a negative real return after living costs and is, therefore, forcing savers into dysfunctional portfolio decisions. Indeed, by not raising its cash rate the RBA has effected a massive transfer of wealth from bank depositors to bank shareholders.

It is beyond time that we sought to neutralise the productivity sapping "search for yield" dynamics whereby rational investors are forced, through central bankers' "financial repression"—or artificially low cash rates—to chase risks they would never ordinarily assume to eke out an income that satisfies their retirement needs.

This is one of the key drivers of demand for investment properties: incredibly low gross rental yields of 4 per cent look enticing when at-call deposit rates are around half that level. (Especially if you can leverage your equity 10 times through ultra-cheap debt and top-up with capital gains!)

Since 1991 the RBA's cash rate has, on average, furnished savers with a real return above inflation of about 2.5 per cent annually. This made deposits and bonds viable investments with low risk. Today that is no longer true for many retirees.

By distorting asset-allocation decisions in this way the RBA is funnelling capital into leveraged sectors of the economy to the detriment of more productive areas. In the short-run employment and growth are artificially elevated by the ensuing building boom. The cost is a misallocation of resources that undermines long-term productivity and living standards. It's a fool's paradise.

Depositors lack voice

Investors would be wise not to get over-excited about bank profits improving through superior net interest margins. The recent rate hikes are likely responses to our banking regulator, APRA, lifting capital requirements for investment and interest-only home loans, which dilutes the profitability of these assets. Improved margins may only offset the skinnier RoEs flowing from APRA's imposition of lower leverage.

On this note, institutional investors are increasingly asking me why APRA is persisting in setting its new "counter-cyclical capital buffer" at zero at a time when every man and their dog agrees financial stability hazards have never been more acute. This buffer was introduced in 2016 on the basis APRA would pre-emptively coerce banks to build first-loss equity reserves during periods when asset prices and credit were climbing sharply. You could not find a better case study than the years since 2013.

Yet in January APRA argued that it has "not observed a change in the level of systemic risk that would necessitate a change in the [0 per cent] level of the countercyclical capital buffer", which is a joke. The only way APRA can rationalise having no buffer at all when the household debt-to-income ratio and house price-to-income ratio have soared to record highs is by claiming that current credit growth is benign compared to rates observed since 1980.

We only care about credit growth in respect of what it tells about indebtedness. When indebtedness is modest, as it was between 1980 and 2000, we could sustain fast credit growth without great anxiety. But when the debt-to-income ratio surges to unprecedented levels and credit creation continues to run at three to four times wages, it's time to take action.

I was recently asked by a major banker why more people aren't making these points. My response was that APRA's ultimate beneficiaries, depositors (or bank creditors), have no coordinated voice, or organised lobby group, representing their interests. In contrast, APRA's adversary in this regulatory game, leveraged bank equity owners, are incredibly well coordinated via a potent lobbyist in the form of the Australian Bankers Association.

The profound asymmetry in influence between these two constituencies cruelled APRA in the past with chairman Wayne Byres' predecessors captive to the oligopoly in a perverse case of financial Stockholm Syndrome. How else could APRA have permitted banks to leverage their home loan books 65 times?

Even today we have a former RBA governor and a Treasury Secretary sitting on major bank boards advocating their agendas (one told my mum that I write mean things about him!).

There nevertheless remains hope that the notoriously independent Byres crafts a new legacy that strikes a better balance between the competing interests of debt and equity.