Barnaby Joyce proves the best vaccine against Pauline Hanson

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, once a backbench rebel, is facing a huge test of his leadership in the face of a ...
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, once a backbench rebel, is facing a huge test of his leadership in the face of a resurgent One Nation. Alex Ellinghausen

The rivalry between One Nation and the Nationals in Queensland is so fierce that Pauline Hanson once took it upon herself to name a bridge that had not been built. And might never be built.

The "bridge" is in the seat of Hinkler, held for the two decades between 1993 and 2013 by one of the National Party's great gentlemen, Paul Neville.

His successor, Keith Pitt, works the electorate as hard as Neville and in his maiden speech to Parliament in November 2013, focused on local issues.

One was to back a long-running push to secure funding to build a bridge over the Burrum River, which would link Bundaberg and Hervey Bay and take pressure off the Bruce Highway.

We are not talking the Sydney Harbour Bridge here but, nonetheless, at an estimated $30 million build cost, it's a relatively expensive piece of infrastructure important to a local community.

In January 2016, in the lead-up to the federal election, One Nation candidate for Hinkler, Damian Huxham, jumped on the bandwagon and launched an e-petition "for the Queensland government to fund and commission a feasibility study in preparation for application to Infrastructure Australia for federal funding of the Hinkler Bridge project".

"For decades local, state and federal MPs have been happy to use this proposal to garner votes pre-election but sit on their hands once the parliamentary salaries and perks roll in," he said.

Audacious incursion

Pitt returned fire. In May, during the early stages of the eight-week election campaign, he secured $200,000 from his government for a feasibility study for the bridge both he and Neville had been pushing for years.

Not to be outdone, Hanson blew into town a few days later and, with Huxham beside her, staged an event at which they proclaimed the bridge would be called the Dungi Bula-Bula Bridge, an Indigenous name chosen following consultation with local elders.

Hanson claimed credit for the feasibility study as well. "[Huxham's] put pressure on Keith Pitt to do something about this," she said.

"The Coalition have had their opportunity to do this for many years."

Pitt held his seat despite it recording the second-highest One Nation vote in Queensland, but the early and audacious incursion by Hanson and her candidate was a portent.

Hanson is now making it a stock in trade to either piggyback on the work of the Nationals or simply highlight an issue and claim credit when it is addressed, whether it was due to her pressure or not.

Land backflip

It happened earlier this year when the government backflipped on a plan to allow the military to compulsorily acquire land in the seat of Capricornia to accommodate expanded training exercises with the Singapore Armed Forces.

Hanson made a song and dance about that, and then claimed it was she, not the local member Michelle Landry, who forced the government to act.

The Nats are still fuming over a deal that saw One Nation get to chair a select committee into the lending practices of banks to farmers. The Nationals have been hounding the banks in the bush for years.

Hanson did it again this week, when the government released a code of conduct to enforce the re-regulation of the sugar industry in Queensland.

The Turnbull government had been under internal pressure from the Nationals to act over sugar since before the election and before Hanson was back in politics. But she jumped on the sugar bandwagon and then made a code of conduct a condition of her voting for the company tax cuts.

She took full credit when the code was unveiled on Wednesday night, despite having done no work on it whatsoever.

Nationals worried silly

Such antics are infuriating the Nationals, who operate in Queensland under the Liberal-National Party banner. With a state election this year to be the next litmus test, it is also worrying them silly.

Based on Senate voting patterns at the last election, One Nation's support is strongest in the state's entire north, and internal research is showing that for the first time since its formation a decade ago the LNP, as well as Labor, has a net negative perception in this region.

That means that among swing voters, more people are down on the LNP, its people and policies than are favourable.

Barnaby Joyce is the best weapon the Nationals – and the Liberals – have in confronting the threat, and he has started to lead the way in dealing with it. Rather than advocate appeasement or threaten to quit, he calls them out.

He likens Hanson to someone demanding the sun rise and then claiming the kudos when it does.

And he's also starting to take issue with her more inflammatory claims, such as likening Islam to a disease that required a vaccine. He branded the comments "bat-poo crazy stuff" that "does not help anybody" and "is just stupid".

Joyce can do what Turnbull cannot, say insiders, because the Prime Minister is still perceived as a Sydney silvertail.

Time and discipline

Former Queensland premier Rob Borbidge, who lost power in the 1998 state election in which One Nation won 11 seats, says Joyce has "it absolutely correct" and was "better equipped than any other politician in Australia" to take on Hanson.

He observes, somewhat diplomatically, that Turnbull and Joyce are a good team because they appeal to the vastly different demographics that comprise the Coalition's broad church.

Borbidge, like Ron Boswell and other veterans of the first skirmish with One Nation two decades ago, believes that "over time, people will stick with those with the substance and capacity to deliver as opposed to cheap populism".

But it will require time and discipline.

The disgruntled, a bit like Greens voters who jump ugly on Labor, enjoy Hanson highlighting the same imperfections with the conservatives that they perceive.

They don't necessarily expect her to deliver, just to give the government a hard time.

As Hanson also showed recently, she has an extra flexibility the Nationals cannot emulate – swingeing policy shifts in response to populist pressure, sparked by the wake-up call from the WA state election.

Over the past fortnight, One Nation has done an about face on its previously stated support for budget welfare cuts and the decision to cut Sunday penalty rates.

These decisions won't spook her base either.

She said she backflipped on penalty rates after talking to her voters. They like that.

Joyce, once the backbench rebel, faces a huge test of leadership.

Phillip Coorey is The Australian Financial Review's chief political correspondent.