- published: 04 Jan 2017
- views: 8767
Mayu Watanabe (渡辺 麻友, Watanabe Mayu, born March 26, 1994 in Saitama Prefecture) is a member of the Japanese idol girl group AKB48, Team B. She has released five solo singles.
Watanabe auditioned for AKB48's 3rd generation and was placed in the newly formed Team B. Her first appearance on an AKB48 single title track was on "Bingo!". With the exception of singles whose lineups were determined by rock-paper-scissors tournaments, she has appeared on all the A-sides for the group's singles since then.
In 2009, she placed fourth overall in the group's first general election to determine the line-up for the group's 13th single. She placed fifth overall the next year for the group's 17th single.
She appeared on the cover of the December 2010 issue of UP to boy magazine together with Airi Suzuki from Cute. That was the first gravure collaboration between Hello! Project and AKB48. On May 13, 2011 she released her photo book, Mayuyu. She commented that the book "is filled with a lot of expressions that I haven’t shown until now, it’s a book I’m really pleased with!” Regarding her cover picture, she said, “Despite being embarrassed, I did my best on the front cover, so I want a lot of people to look at it!” In an episode of the group's variety show AKBingo!, Mayuyu and Haruka Shimazaki's nickname "Paruru" were coined by former teammate Rumi Yonezawa. For AKB48's general election in 2011, she placed fifth overall.
[4K] 161210 渡辺麻友 推しカメラ ヘビーローテーション Watanabe Mayu Heavy Rotation focus Shanghai Fanmeeting
170102 井上芳雄 x 渡辺麻友 Talk (Mayuyu cut)
中字 090812 AKBINGO! 誠實將棋 渡辺麻友 vs 柏木由紀
2016.06.14 柏木由紀、渡辺麻友(AKB48 チームB)母女 Talk Show@SHOWROOM
20161024 SHOWROOM「渡辺麻友 写真集発売直前SP」配信!
渡辺麻友 柏木由紀 DX出演部分
渡辺麻友 魅惑のからあげ巡り
AKB48 まゆゆ 渡辺麻友 ファンの14歳少年に愛の告白 部屋でエロ本発見 140924 恋愛総選挙 SKE48 NMB48 HKT48
情熱大陸 渡辺麻友 6月14日 150614
2016 AKB48中国见面会 IN SHANGHAI
AKB48-Taiwan Clubs https://www.facebook.com/groups/RC4437839/
ダウンタウンDX 161013 AKB48グループ再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn0WYTRUYogHPz4RGlytqgroSgMS7H6j7 AKB48 Mayuyu まゆゆ Yukirin ゆきりん Mayu Watanabe Yuki Kashiwagi
王様のブランチ 161022 AKB48グループ再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn0WYTRUYogHPz4RGlytqgroSgMS7H6j7 AKB48 Mayuyu まゆゆ Mayu Watanabe
5:55~まゆゆ部屋突入 渡辺麻友 Watanabe Mayu AKB48出演番組情報 AKB48 SHOW SKE48 NMB48 HKT48 乃木坂46 ももクロ ももいろクローバーZ 私立恵比寿中学 BABY METAL でんぱ組 ネ申テレビ AKB48のあんた、誰? 何もそこまで・・・ びみょ~ てんとうむchu!の世界を夢中にさせます宣言 エビフライデーナイト エビショー AKBINGO NOGIBINGO AKBと××! しゃべくり007 ダウンタウンDX 有吉反省会 ナカイの窓 ワケあり!レッドゾーン イッテQ 鉄腕DASH 月曜から夜ふかし さんま御殿 今夜くらべてみました ZIP PON スッキリ ぐるナイ ミヤネ屋 アイドルの穴 メレンゲの気持ち ベストヒット歌謡祭 おしゃれイズム 芸人報道 24時間テレビ 歌唱王 高校生クイズ にけつ たかじんのそこまで言って委員会 浜ちゃんが 火曜サプライズ 有吉ゼミ トリックハンター 笑神様は突然に 深イイ話 世界まる見え ナイナイアンサー another sky ミュージックドラゴン 行列のできる法律相談所 TORE ネリさまぁ~ず げいにん! 東京暇人 1番ソングSHOW ものまねグランプリ 有吉AKB共和国 UTAGE 金スマ a-studio 王様のブランチ HKT48のおでかけ 有吉ジャポン アッコにおまかせ 炎の体育会TV オールスター感謝祭 もてもてナインティナイン 「それってどんなヒト?」 Gメン99 オールスター感謝祭 世界ふしぎ発見 CDTV 火曜曲 さんまのスーパーからくりTV 板野パイセン 水曜日のダウンタウン プレバト!! 櫻井有吉アブナイ夜会 情報7days ゴロウ・デラックス 爆報!THEフライデー ぴったんこカンカン 内村とザワつく夜 サンデージャポン サンデーモーニ...
Brought to You by Watanabe Mayu - 渡辺麻友 Vietnam Fanpage
Watanabe Mayu Twitter playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH-4XjQiirGuYTUCqwGzVh70KZ-O8k_Ge Nogizaka46 Collection: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH-4XjQiirGudcmP_CNBtvGMaS6Q4yqIU Thanks for watching movies. Just Like and Subscribe to know more news.
Music video by Mayu Watanabe performing Synchro Tokimeki. (C) 2012 Sony Music Records Inc.
resubiendo este video de mi antiguo canal XD
Music video by Mayu Watanabe performing Deaino Tsuzuki. (C) 2015 Sony Music Records http://www.vevo.com/watch/JPU981501589
Music video by Mayu Watanabe performing Hikaru Monotachi. (C) 2012 Sony Music Records Inc.
Mayu Watanabe 1st Debut Solo Single "Synchro Tokimeki"「シンクロときめき」DVD Type-B - 2012.02.29 Note: This video is not sub by me. The credit goes to "majuholic0511" aka Sunnie Bắp (YouTube user) and to all who involved in this video especially to my oshimen, Mayuyu. (´∀`)♡
Playlist : Sasshihara Rino - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqbSkcFWa9ITWpcb5ILMwbqM0umwnTRrZ Kashiwagi yuki - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqbSkcFWa9ISkUf0kSUUiiwsOaymRAD8M Akb48 Team 8 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqbSkcFWa9IQuEJYaI1BdyUpQYl1XqaRB
00:00~ Opening 12:10~ Yukirin and Tanamin appear, Looking back on the general election 26:35~ Message from Sashihara 28:21~ Presents 31:42~ Please, Mayuyu!(Impersonation of Funassy, Early catch phrase of Tanamin and Yukirin) 35:28~ Message from Jurina 36:56~ Message from Ikoma 38:24~ About Ikoma, Mayuyu's early catch phrase 40:44~ Message from Kojiharu 42:09~ Reading emails from listeners and Cindy 45:31~ Discussing worries of female listeners 56:22~ Message from Paruru 58:36~ Request Senbatsu 1:08:22~ Message from Yokoyama 1:10:15~ About "Yokosuka Curve" 1:12:20~ A letter from Mayuyu to fans 1:14:35~ Before they sing "Shonichi" 1:17:55~ After they sang "Shonichi" 1:19:29~ Message from Takamina 1:23:27~ Ending I'm not Mayu oshi but I'm really happy Mayuyu got the 1st place! Congratulatio...
I just recently discovered AKB48, and I kind of got hooked on it. When I saw that they had video games for it, I was curious. Typically I don't play dating sim games because I just find them weird, but sometimes that's what makes them entertaining. For this video I decided to go for the member that got me into the group, Mayu Watanabe. I spent quite a bit of hours trying to go for this, but hopefully this is enjoyable to some of you. I talked quite a bit during the beginning. For those of you that don't wish to sit through the whole thing, here's a list of all the key parts of the video: First Date - 7:31 Second Date - 11:53 Third Date - 16:29 Final Date - 23:13 Confession/Ending - 27:05
AKB48総選挙に向けてのshowroom配信動画 2016年6月14日付のshowroomでの順位 1位 田北 香世子(AKB48 チームA)3932738 pt 2位 内木 志(NMB48 . AKB48総選挙へ向けてのshowroom配信の様子 showroomでの2016年6月13日の順位はこちら 1位 田北 香世子(AKB48 チームA)3211652 pt 2位 柏木 由紀(AKB48 . AKB48総選挙に向けてのshowroom配信 配信は田島芽瑠、田中美久 2016年6月14日showroomでの順位は以下 1位 田北 香世子(AKB48 チームA)3932738 pt 2位.
Here is Watanabe Mayu’s ending confession, with English subtitles, from AKB 1/149 Renai Sousenkyo (Love Election). This is an instructional / educational / tutorial video for those who are studying Japanese, or might not understand Japanese. I own the translation / subtitles, and the addition of such, in addition to any gameplay I may have personally created for this game, should fall under fair use. Happy Gaming! (^^)/
Les Paroles de BM sont dans la description. NOUVEL ALBUM RETIRADA DISPONIBLE : - Retirada Vol.1 : http://smarturl.it/HWRetiradaVol1 - Retirada Vol.2 : http://smarturl.it/HWRetiradaVol.2 Abonne toi à ma chaîne : http://po.st/HeritierYT Mon Live au Roméo Golf de Kinshasa est disponible en téléchargement ici : https://BecauseMusic.lnk.to/HeritierLiveKinshasa Ma Page FB : https://www.facebook.com/heritierwatanabeofficial Suis moi sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/wataplus Photos Instagram : Photos Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/heritierwata_officiel_29 Né en 1982 à Kinshasa, Héritier Watanabe est le nouveau prince de la rumba congolaise. Il prépare actuellement son album. Paroles : Zala pene na ngai mosika te Bernadette Masengu Presence nayo ba sejours nanga Bernadette oza vivante...
Shelter tells the story of Rin, a 17-year-old girl who lives her life inside of a futuristic simulation completely by herself in infinite, beautiful loneliness. Each day, Rin awakens in virtual reality and uses a tablet which controls the simulation to create a new, different, beautiful world for herself. Until one day, everything changes, and Rin comes to learn the true origins behind her life inside a simulation. Original Story by: Porter Robinson Music: Porter Robinson and Madeon Storyboard Animation Director: Toshihumi Akai Character Design Drawing Director: Megumi Kouno Cast: Rin - Sachika Misawa Original Pictures: Megumi Kouno Motion Picture Examiner: Tomoko Miyata Motion Pictures: Tomoko Miyata Mizuki Matsuda A-1 Pictures ...