Cytomegalovirus: The most common infectious disease in babies you may never have heard of

Posted April 01, 2017 06:01:37

A virtually unknown disease is the most common cause of malformation in Australian babies Video: A virtually unknown disease is the most common cause of malformation in Australian babies (ABC News)

Kate Daly did everything to get pregnant and took no risks to keep her babies healthy.

Key points:

  • 2,000 babies are born in Australia with CMV each year, many with physical and intellectual disabilities
  • All pregnant women to be warned of risks of contracting CMV
  • Simple steps to prevent contracting the virus can halve women's risk

"I went through IVF so I did everything I was told, like keeping away from soft cheese, deep seafood, shellfish and smoke," she said.

When she was pregnant with twins, she already had a two young daughters — four and two years old.

"They were very affectionate, kissing me on the lips," she said. "I didn't think twice about sharing their cups and cutlery."

But somewhere along the line, she contracted a virus called Cytomegalovirus or CMV.

It is transmitted through body fluids, including saliva, blood, tears, urine and breast milk.

Young children and toddlers often harbour the virus, but do not always show symptoms like a runny nose or temperature.

Her twin son William was born with hearing loss, mild cerebral palsy and developmental delays.

"I felt shock, surprised, disillusioned, I was confused, angry, obviously upset, every emotion you can probably imagine," she said.

"I couldn't believe that after three pregnancies, having a regular GP, an obstetrician and a fertility specialist for all three of my pregnancies that I'd never ever heard of CMV before."

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CMV is the most frequent infectious cause of newborn disabilities.

Almost 2,000 Australian babies are born with Cytomegalovirus each year, contracted through their mothers.

Hundreds of those will be deaf, blind or diagnosed with other physical or intellectual disabilities.

Pregnant women to be warned

For the first time, Australian and international health experts said all pregnant women should be warned about the risks of the illness.

Virologist Professor William Rawlinson from the University of NSW was one of the authors of the new guidelines, just published in the Lancet Infectious medical journal.

"Research shows if women take steps to reduce their risk of exposure to CMV during pregnancy, they will halve their risk of contracting the virus," he said.

Simple prevention measures includes washing hands around young children and avoid contact with saliva when kissing children.

Doctors say it is more dangerous for pregnant women to contract the virus in their first trimester.

Help for families with CMV

When her children were diagnosed with disabilities from CMV, Ms Daly searched for families in the same situation.

But there was no support group, so she started one.

"I wished more than anything that someone had told me about it, that someone had told me about how I might have been able to prevent getting CMV," she said.

"I can't change what's happened in the past, I can't fix my son. Early intervention is it. But we can help other mums."

How can pregnant women protect against it?

Wash hands often with soap and running water for at least 15 seconds and dry them thoroughly, particularly after close contact with young children, changing nappies, blowing noses, feeding a young child, and handling children's toys, dummies/soothers.

Do not share food, drinks, eating utensils or toothbrushes with young children.

Avoid contact with saliva when kissing a child.

Use simple detergent and water to clean toys and surfaces used by children.

What are the symptoms of CMV?

Children and adults with healthy immune systems do not usually develop symptoms when infected, but may develop an illness similar to glandular fever with tiredness, sore throat, swollen glands and fever.

People with a weakened immune system are more likely to develop symptoms.

Who is at risk?

If a woman is newly infected with CMV while pregnant, there is a risk that her unborn baby will also become infected and may be born with a disability.

The highest risk to the unborn baby occurs when a woman who has never had CMV before is infected with the virus during pregnancy and when infection occurs during the first half of the pregnancy.

For more details, visit CMV Australia.

Topics: babies---newborns, diseases-and-disorders, health, australia