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The sign outside a bathroom at 21c Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina.

In North Carolina, bathroom law repealed but many not pleased

Atlanta: For a year, it prompted boycotts, demonstrations and economic fallout that helped dethrone a sitting governor. In the end, in a strange and profoundly American collision of polarised politics, big-time sports, commerce and the culture wars, North Carolina's notorious House Bill 2 was finally laid to rest Thursday – although many were left wondering if some of its negative effects might linger.

Is it any wonder politicians are on the nose?

Malcolm Turnbull and  Bill Shorten sweep water from a cyclone-damaged store in Bowen, Queensland.

In a barely noticed respite from last week's hyper-partisan squabbling, Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten actually agreed on a couple of things. It is an enduring curiosity that such moments tend to escape attention.

New Bolte Bridge lanes to help ease traffic

A new signalling system to improve the flow of almost 200,000 vehicles a day.

Traffic congestion along the Bolte Bridge is expected to ease after the introduction of additional lanes and a new signalling system to improve the flow of almost 200,000 vehicles a day.

Why Australia isn't so easy for Trump to bully

President Donald Trump listens during a meeting with the National Association of Manufacturers, Friday, March 31, 2017, ...

When President Donald Trump berated Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull two months ago over 1,250 refugees the US agreed to accept from Australia, the phone conversation was perceived ominously: A decades-old alliance that was already strained by Australia's economic reliance on China was now being put under greater stress.

Japan kills 333 whales in Antarctic

Japan's giant abattoir ship Nisshin Maru with a harpooned minke whale on the deck in January.

Japan's whaling fleet has returned from its Antarctic hunt in the name of scientific research with 333 minke whales, despite international criticism.

'Oh my God, I'm dead' - killed while collecting a cockatoo

The Australian Museum's tyrannosaurus exhibition has won record attendance figures in North America.

The Australian Museum celebrated its 190th birthday this week. Its long history is nothing if not colourful. A tale of death and discovery, misadventure, prizefighters and a tiny snail called Attenborougharian rubicundus. Well, more of a slug really.

Turnbull's company tax deal 'exxy' but effective

Senator Nick Xenophon during debate in the Senate on Friday.

In the end, the deal to secure Malcolm Turnbull's signature election pledge of enterprise tax cuts, at least for small and medium businesses, was, to use the vernacular, a little "exxy". Big business missed out. A bridge too far. As such the cost to the budget is substantially less - around $20 billion. The X-man of Australian politics, Nick Xenophon has once again proved the master-negotiator, and Turnbull, the great deal-maker and achiever of results. As in all compromises, neither got all they wanted, But both will be happy.