- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 3643
Leo McKern, AO (born Reginald McKern, 16 March 1920 – 23 July 2002) was an Australian actor who appeared in numerous British and Australian television programmes and films, and in more than 200 stage roles. Notable roles he portrayed include Clang in Help! (1965), Thomas Cromwell in A Man for All Seasons (1966), Tom Ryan in Ryan's Daughter (1970), Paddy Button in The Blue Lagoon (1980), Dr. Grogan in The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981), Father Imperius in Ladyhawke (1985) and, in the role that made him a household name as an actor, Horace Rumpole, whom he played in Rumpole of the Bailey. He also portrayed Carl Bugenhagen in the first and second installments of the The Omen trilogy.
McKern was born in Sydney, New South Wales, the son of Vera (née Martin) and Norman Walton McKern. He attended Sydney Technical High School. After an accident at the age of 15, he lost his left eye. He first worked as an engineering apprentice, then as an artist, followed by service in the Australian Army during World War II. In 1944, in Sydney, he performed in his first stage role.
Leo Mckern The Wogan Show BBC 1989 Terry Wogan
Leo Mckern on The Gloria Hunniford "Sunday Sunday" Chat show 1989
The Death of Socrates - 1966 - Leo Mckern - Jonathan Miller
RUMPOLE Leo McKern & Peter Bowles Vs Harry Aitch Fielder
The Master Builder - Henrik Ibsen - Leo Mckern - 1988
The Prisoner 1967 Best Intro Excerpt - Leo McKern
actor Leo McKern: A Photographic Tribute Part 1
The Story Of The Battle Of The Somme
J M W Turner 1775-1851 "The Sun Is God"
King and Country (1964) with Tom Courtenay, Leo McKern ,Dirk Bogarde movie
Magic Abruzzo, Rocca Calascio
A Photographic Tribute to Leo McKern Part 1 (1950's-1960's)
Rocca Calascio by www.abruzzokm0.it
Thomas More has a father-daughter conversation with his beloved daughter
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Wiogan Show on BBC Television in 1989 he discusses his one man stage show "Boswell for the Defence" etc
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Gloria Hunniford "Sunday Sunday" Chat show 1989. Leo Mckern was actually Australian by birth and was afraid of flying so used to travel home by cargo ship,this is where he starts his conversation with Gloria Hunniford.
Here's - The Death of Socrates - Broadcast in 1966 - Starring Leo Mckern as Socrates Directed by Jonathan Miller. "Sunday Night" The Death of Socrates 1966 Cast & Credits Cast Socrates Leo McKern Crito Ronald Adam Phaedo Roddy Maude-roxby Simmlas Peter Eyre Cebes Henry Livings Xanthippe Freda Dowie warder Darroll Richards Credits Direction: Jonathan Miller
Leo McKern, Peter Bowles & Harry Aitch Fielder in a scene from Rumpole of the Bailey (the course of true love). Check out Harry Aitch Fielder's career at his website: http://www.harryfielder.co.uk/
Here's the wonderful play The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen starring Leo Mckern in the leading role recorded by me in 1988 BBC Television. The Master Builder (Norwegian: Bygmester Solness) is a play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was first published in December 1892 and is regarded as one of Ibsen's most significant and revealing works. Halvard Solness is the middle-aged Master Builder of a small town in Norway who has become a successful architect of some distinction and local reputation. One day while having a visit from his friend Doctor Herdal, Solness is visited by Hilde Wangel, a young woman of twenty-four from another town whom the doctor promptly recognizes from a recent trip. Soon after the Doctor leaves and Solness is alone with Hilde, she reminds him that they are...
You can watch "The Chimes of Big Ben" and all "The Prisoner" 1967 TV serie episodes at http://PrisonerTV.com Of all the seventeen original "The Prisoner" 1967 TV serie, this is what I consider the best intro of all the episodes! This is the intro of "The Prisoner" 2nd episode, "The Chimes of Big Ben", featuring Leo McKern as Number Two. This is is voice in the intro. Leo McKern is doing a great job and it's may be why this one was my favorite, but there's another thing: this was the exact same audio excerpt Iron Maiden used in their song..."The Prisoner"! Where am I? In the Village What do you want? Information Whose side are you on? That would be telling . . . We want Information You won't get it By hook or by crook . . . We will Who are you? The new Number Two Who is Nu...
actor Leo McKern: A Photographic Tribute Part 1
The BBC1 Documentary A special 60th anniversary programme in which - Leo McKern walks the fields of Picardy and retells the story of this heroic and tragic battle. With the letters, diaries and memories of men who took part. 1 July 1916 - the first day of the Battle of the Somme -was the worst day in British military history. In less than 24 hours 60,000 British soldiers became casualties; and nearly 20,000 of them died. The battle dragged on for another four-and-a-half months. It turned a gracious part of northern France into a landscape like the moon's. It produced anger and cynicism, but also incredible gallantry and courage. During it 1,200,000 British, French and Germans were killed or wounded. By the end of it the armies of Britain and her Empire had advanced about seven miles. Hi...
J M W TURNER, although renowned for his Oil Paintings,was also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting.He is commonly known as the "Painter of Light". Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland, in 1802, and studying at the Louvre,in Paris, in the same year. He also made many visits to Venice. As he grew older, Turner became more eccentric. He had few close friends except for his father, who lived with him for 30 years,eventually working as his studio assistant. His father's death in 1829 had a profound effect on him, and he was, from this time, subject to bouts of depression. In his later years, he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour. The intensity of hu...
During World War I, an army private is accused of desertion during battle. The officer assigned to defend him at his court-martial finds out there is more to the . Tough, no-nonsense British Army lawyer (Dick Bogarde) is assigned to defend a lowly private (Tom Courtenay) at his court martial. The private has been . Here's a beautiful BBC Radio play circa 1988 of For King and Country By John Wilson . The play centres on a young deserter so broken by his experience of .
Rocca Calascio è una rocca situata in Abruzzo, in provincia di L'Aquila nel territorio del comune di Calascio, all'interno del Parco nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga, ad un'altitudine di 1.460 metri s.l.m. Dalla rocca, una delle più elevate d'Italia, si ha una delle vedute più suggestive d'Abruzzo, con vista dei principali gruppi montuosi dell'Appennino abruzzese. La fondazione della rocca si fa risalire all'anno 1000, la struttura originaria era costituita da un torrione isolato di forma quadrangolare a pietre già squadrate e aveva funzione di torre d'avvistamento. Set cinematografico naturale, nel 1968 il regista Romano Scavolini ha diretto un documentario dal titolo Nel silenzio dei sassi sullo spopolamento di Rocca Calascio. A partire dagli anni ottanta del XX secolo il com...
A Tribute to actor Leo McKern 1920-2002
Rocca Calascio, L'Aquila, Italy by www.abruzzokm0.it Il castello domina la valle del Tirino e l’altopiano di Navelli a poca distanza dalla piana di Campo Imperatore, è situato a 1.460 metri d’altezza, in una posizione favorevole dal punto di vista difensivo, punto d’osservazione militare in comunicazione con altre torri e castelli vicini, sino all’Adriatico. A partire dagli anni ottanta del XX secolo il comprensorio aquilano del Gran Sasso ed in particolare la rocca di Calascio sono stati utilizzati some ambientazione per numerosi film. Il primo e principale lungometraggio girato è LadyHawke (USA, 1985) in cui la rocca (allora non ancora restaurata) era il rifugio dell’eremita impersonato da Leo McKern. L’anno successivo venne ambientato nella rocca Il nome della rosa (FRA-GER-ITA, 1986) c...
Cut - from Thomas Cromwell acting for King Henry VIII against Sir Thomas More, his predecessor as Chancellor, who refuses to support his king's wish to divorce Catherine of Aragon - to a gusty night on the edge of London, where Margaret, More's daughter, has gone out to look for her father, returning from town, already on the edge of disgrace and facing imprisonment and execution. In 1966, in the film A Man for All Seasons, Robert Bolt put these words in the mouth of Thomas More as he sought to to explain to his beloved daughter, Margaret, why he would try to sign an opportunistic legal document to save himself: “Listen Meg. God made the angels to show him splendour as he made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity, but man he made to serve him wittily in the tangle of his m...
Available on DVD through www.umbrellaent.com.au TRAVELLING NORTH tells the story of Frank (Leo McKern), a crotchety old man with an unending zest and passion for life and Frances (Julia Blake) his much younger companion travelling to Queensland to enjoy their retirement and each other. Unfortunately the idyllic North cannot calm Frank's complex personality and desire to live life to the fullest and Frances watches helplessly as Frank struggles to understand his own emotional and physical limitations. Directed by Carl Schultz, with memorable performances by Graham Kennedy as Freddie, the meddlesome but loyal neighbour and Henri Szeps as the long suffering local doctor weathering an endless stream of self-diagnosis by Frank, TRAVELLING NORTH travels to the heights of happiness and the depth...
Tribute to actor Leo McKern
Not loving the hot weather? Tell that to these poor bastards.
Available on DVD through www.umbrellaent.com.au "A FUNNY, WARM, FEEL GOOD MOVIE." Cinema papers A host of outstanding Aussie actors including LEO McKERN, GEOFFREY RUSH, JOAN SUTHERLAND, NOAH TAYLOR and BARRY OTTO star in this loud, proud, fair dinkum yarn about the original "great Aussie battlersâ€, the Rudds, an unconventional farming family of charming half-wits who survive on boiled pumpkin and parrot stew and half-baked get-rich schemes. When Dad Rudd (Leo McKern) moves his family out into the scrub to 'select' 150 acres of fly-blown land, he discovers he's surrounded by all sorts of vermin - reptiles, insects, and Riley (Barry Otto), his miserable politician neighbour. Dad decides to beat Riley at his own game and stand for parliament. Dad Rudd M.P. The Farmers Friend! "Dad & Da...
Yesterday's Enemy is a 1959 Hammer Films British war film directed by Val Guest and starring Stanley Baker, Guy Rolfe, Leo McKern and Gordon Jackson set in the Burma Campaign during World War II. It is based on a 1958 BBC teleplay by Peter R. Newman who turned it into a three act play in 1960. A British captain (Stanley Baker) and his men take a Burmese village, where he seeks information in cold blood. Gordon Jackson repeated his role from the BBC teleplay as Sgt. Ian Mackenzie. Columbia Pictures co-produced the film with Hammer Films in an agreement for five co-productions a year with Columbia providing half the finance. The film was shot on indoor sets in black and white and Megascope. The film has no musical score. Director Val Guest later said that Yesterday's Enemy was one of his fi...
Here's - The Death of Socrates - Broadcast in 1966 - Starring Leo Mckern as Socrates Directed by Jonathan Miller. "Sunday Night" The Death of Socrates 1966 Cast & Credits Cast Socrates Leo McKern Crito Ronald Adam Phaedo Roddy Maude-roxby Simmlas Peter Eyre Cebes Henry Livings Xanthippe Freda Dowie warder Darroll Richards Credits Direction: Jonathan Miller
Here's the wonderful play The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen starring Leo Mckern in the leading role recorded by me in 1988 BBC Television. The Master Builder (Norwegian: Bygmester Solness) is a play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was first published in December 1892 and is regarded as one of Ibsen's most significant and revealing works. Halvard Solness is the middle-aged Master Builder of a small town in Norway who has become a successful architect of some distinction and local reputation. One day while having a visit from his friend Doctor Herdal, Solness is visited by Hilde Wangel, a young woman of twenty-four from another town whom the doctor promptly recognizes from a recent trip. Soon after the Doctor leaves and Solness is alone with Hilde, she reminds him that they are...
The BBC1 Documentary A special 60th anniversary programme in which - Leo McKern walks the fields of Picardy and retells the story of this heroic and tragic battle. With the letters, diaries and memories of men who took part. 1 July 1916 - the first day of the Battle of the Somme -was the worst day in British military history. In less than 24 hours 60,000 British soldiers became casualties; and nearly 20,000 of them died. The battle dragged on for another four-and-a-half months. It turned a gracious part of northern France into a landscape like the moon's. It produced anger and cynicism, but also incredible gallantry and courage. During it 1,200,000 British, French and Germans were killed or wounded. By the end of it the armies of Britain and her Empire had advanced about seven miles. Hi...
During World War I, an army private is accused of desertion during battle. The officer assigned to defend him at his court-martial finds out there is more to the . Tough, no-nonsense British Army lawyer (Dick Bogarde) is assigned to defend a lowly private (Tom Courtenay) at his court martial. The private has been . Here's a beautiful BBC Radio play circa 1988 of For King and Country By John Wilson . The play centres on a young deserter so broken by his experience of .
Here's the wonderful play The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen starring Leo Mckern in the leading role recorded by me in 1988 BBC Television. The Master .
Sunday Night Play The Death of Socrates. First transmitted 3 Jul. 1966. Written and Directed by Jonathan Miller. Starring: Ronald Adam as Crito Freda Dowie as Xanthippe Peter Eyre as Simmlas Henry Livings as Cebes Roddy Maude-Roxby as Phaedo Leo McKern as Socrates Darroll Richards as A Warder
The Blue Lagoon 1980 Movie || Brooke Shields & Christopher Atkins
J M W TURNER, although renowned for his Oil Paintings,was also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting.He is commonly known as the "Painter of Light". Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland, in 1802, and studying at the Louvre,in Paris, in the same year. He also made many visits to Venice. As he grew older, Turner became more eccentric. He had few close friends except for his father, who lived with him for 30 years,eventually working as his studio assistant. His father's death in 1829 had a profound effect on him, and he was, from this time, subject to bouts of depression. In his later years, he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour. The intensity of hu...
1.1. The Black Island 20 Feb 1992 0:27 All were originally broadcast on BBC Radio 5 (mono; MW only) in 1992-3 and subsequently repeated on BBC Radio 4 (stereo?) in 1994. Producer: John Yorke Adapted by: Simon Eastwood Music: Roger Limb Tintin - Richard Pearce Snowy - Andrew Sachs Thomson & Thompson - Charles Kay Captain Haddock - Leo McKern (not in ep. 1) Calculus - Stephen Moore (not in ep. 1 or 2) 1. The Black Island Puschov - Nigel Carrington Ivan - Terrance Edmond Müller - Fraser Kerr Ranko - Peter Elliott http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00ps19q BBC radio © No copyright infringiment is intended.
The Blue Lagoon http://thisisarealstreamingmovie.blogspot.com/0080453 is a American romantic adventure film... In the Victorian period, two young cousins, Richard and Emmeline Lestrange, and a galley cook, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific and reach a lush tropical island...
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Wiogan Show on BBC Television in 1989 he discusses his one man stage show "Boswell for the Defence" etc
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Gloria Hunniford "Sunday Sunday" Chat show 1989. Leo Mckern was actually Australian by birth and was afraid of flying so used to travel home by cargo ship,this is where he starts his conversation with Gloria Hunniford.
actor Leo McKern: A Photographic Tribute Part 1
Kenneth Griffith on the intense pressures encountered by Mcgoohan on FALL OUT and Leo Mckern's "breakdown" during ONCE UPON A TIME.
Documentary narrated by Leo Mckern to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Battle Of The Somme. Shown in 1976. This is a public domain video available at The Moving Image Archive and uploaded by http://www.WW1Photos.com
A very rare interview from Canadian Television circa 1977. Warner Troyer interviews Patrick McGoohan about the making and meaning of the 1960's T.V. series "The Prisoner". This interview took place in Toronto in 1977 in front of, and with the participation of, a studio audience. The 35-minute program was broadcast on TVOntario, a public television network which had shown The Prisoner series along with commentaries from Troyer from October 1976 to February 1977. The Ontario Educational Communications Authority also published a 21-page booklet on The Prisoner called The Prisoner Puzzle. Links to text: http://www.scribd.com/doc/22260199/The-Prisoner-Puzzle http://www.cultv.co.uk/mcgoohan.htm Dangerous Minds: 'We are all prisoners': Patrick McGoohan explains his cult series 'The Prisone...
J M W TURNER, although renowned for his Oil Paintings,was also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting.He is commonly known as the "Painter of Light". Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland, in 1802, and studying at the Louvre,in Paris, in the same year. He also made many visits to Venice. As he grew older, Turner became more eccentric. He had few close friends except for his father, who lived with him for 30 years,eventually working as his studio assistant. His father's death in 1829 had a profound effect on him, and he was, from this time, subject to bouts of depression. In his later years, he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour. The intensity of hu...
Here's the great John John Mortimer being interviewed in 1991 by Terry Wogan
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Wiogan Show on BBC Television in 1989 he discusses his one man stage show "Boswell for the Defence" etc
Here's the great Leo Mckern giving a rare interview on The Gloria Hunniford "Sunday Sunday" Chat show 1989. Leo Mckern was actually Australian by birth and was afraid of flying so used to travel home by cargo ship,this is where he starts his conversation with Gloria Hunniford.
Here's - The Death of Socrates - Broadcast in 1966 - Starring Leo Mckern as Socrates Directed by Jonathan Miller. "Sunday Night" The Death of Socrates 1966 Cast & Credits Cast Socrates Leo McKern Crito Ronald Adam Phaedo Roddy Maude-roxby Simmlas Peter Eyre Cebes Henry Livings Xanthippe Freda Dowie warder Darroll Richards Credits Direction: Jonathan Miller
Leo McKern, Peter Bowles & Harry Aitch Fielder in a scene from Rumpole of the Bailey (the course of true love). Check out Harry Aitch Fielder's career at his website: http://www.harryfielder.co.uk/
Here's the wonderful play The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen starring Leo Mckern in the leading role recorded by me in 1988 BBC Television. The Master Builder (Norwegian: Bygmester Solness) is a play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was first published in December 1892 and is regarded as one of Ibsen's most significant and revealing works. Halvard Solness is the middle-aged Master Builder of a small town in Norway who has become a successful architect of some distinction and local reputation. One day while having a visit from his friend Doctor Herdal, Solness is visited by Hilde Wangel, a young woman of twenty-four from another town whom the doctor promptly recognizes from a recent trip. Soon after the Doctor leaves and Solness is alone with Hilde, she reminds him that they are...
You can watch "The Chimes of Big Ben" and all "The Prisoner" 1967 TV serie episodes at http://PrisonerTV.com Of all the seventeen original "The Prisoner" 1967 TV serie, this is what I consider the best intro of all the episodes! This is the intro of "The Prisoner" 2nd episode, "The Chimes of Big Ben", featuring Leo McKern as Number Two. This is is voice in the intro. Leo McKern is doing a great job and it's may be why this one was my favorite, but there's another thing: this was the exact same audio excerpt Iron Maiden used in their song..."The Prisoner"! Where am I? In the Village What do you want? Information Whose side are you on? That would be telling . . . We want Information You won't get it By hook or by crook . . . We will Who are you? The new Number Two Who is Nu...
actor Leo McKern: A Photographic Tribute Part 1
The BBC1 Documentary A special 60th anniversary programme in which - Leo McKern walks the fields of Picardy and retells the story of this heroic and tragic battle. With the letters, diaries and memories of men who took part. 1 July 1916 - the first day of the Battle of the Somme -was the worst day in British military history. In less than 24 hours 60,000 British soldiers became casualties; and nearly 20,000 of them died. The battle dragged on for another four-and-a-half months. It turned a gracious part of northern France into a landscape like the moon's. It produced anger and cynicism, but also incredible gallantry and courage. During it 1,200,000 British, French and Germans were killed or wounded. By the end of it the armies of Britain and her Empire had advanced about seven miles. Hi...
J M W TURNER, although renowned for his Oil Paintings,was also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting.He is commonly known as the "Painter of Light". Turner travelled widely in Europe, starting with France and Switzerland, in 1802, and studying at the Louvre,in Paris, in the same year. He also made many visits to Venice. As he grew older, Turner became more eccentric. He had few close friends except for his father, who lived with him for 30 years,eventually working as his studio assistant. His father's death in 1829 had a profound effect on him, and he was, from this time, subject to bouts of depression. In his later years, he used oils ever more transparently, and turned to an evocation of almost pure light by use of shimmering colour. The intensity of hu...
During World War I, an army private is accused of desertion during battle. The officer assigned to defend him at his court-martial finds out there is more to the . Tough, no-nonsense British Army lawyer (Dick Bogarde) is assigned to defend a lowly private (Tom Courtenay) at his court martial. The private has been . Here's a beautiful BBC Radio play circa 1988 of For King and Country By John Wilson . The play centres on a young deserter so broken by his experience of .
Rocca Calascio è una rocca situata in Abruzzo, in provincia di L'Aquila nel territorio del comune di Calascio, all'interno del Parco nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga, ad un'altitudine di 1.460 metri s.l.m. Dalla rocca, una delle più elevate d'Italia, si ha una delle vedute più suggestive d'Abruzzo, con vista dei principali gruppi montuosi dell'Appennino abruzzese. La fondazione della rocca si fa risalire all'anno 1000, la struttura originaria era costituita da un torrione isolato di forma quadrangolare a pietre già squadrate e aveva funzione di torre d'avvistamento. Set cinematografico naturale, nel 1968 il regista Romano Scavolini ha diretto un documentario dal titolo Nel silenzio dei sassi sullo spopolamento di Rocca Calascio. A partire dagli anni ottanta del XX secolo il com...
A Tribute to actor Leo McKern 1920-2002
Rocca Calascio, L'Aquila, Italy by www.abruzzokm0.it Il castello domina la valle del Tirino e l’altopiano di Navelli a poca distanza dalla piana di Campo Imperatore, è situato a 1.460 metri d’altezza, in una posizione favorevole dal punto di vista difensivo, punto d’osservazione militare in comunicazione con altre torri e castelli vicini, sino all’Adriatico. A partire dagli anni ottanta del XX secolo il comprensorio aquilano del Gran Sasso ed in particolare la rocca di Calascio sono stati utilizzati some ambientazione per numerosi film. Il primo e principale lungometraggio girato è LadyHawke (USA, 1985) in cui la rocca (allora non ancora restaurata) era il rifugio dell’eremita impersonato da Leo McKern. L’anno successivo venne ambientato nella rocca Il nome della rosa (FRA-GER-ITA, 1986) c...
Cut - from Thomas Cromwell acting for King Henry VIII against Sir Thomas More, his predecessor as Chancellor, who refuses to support his king's wish to divorce Catherine of Aragon - to a gusty night on the edge of London, where Margaret, More's daughter, has gone out to look for her father, returning from town, already on the edge of disgrace and facing imprisonment and execution. In 1966, in the film A Man for All Seasons, Robert Bolt put these words in the mouth of Thomas More as he sought to to explain to his beloved daughter, Margaret, why he would try to sign an opportunistic legal document to save himself: “Listen Meg. God made the angels to show him splendour as he made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity, but man he made to serve him wittily in the tangle of his m...
Available on DVD through www.umbrellaent.com.au TRAVELLING NORTH tells the story of Frank (Leo McKern), a crotchety old man with an unending zest and passion for life and Frances (Julia Blake) his much younger companion travelling to Queensland to enjoy their retirement and each other. Unfortunately the idyllic North cannot calm Frank's complex personality and desire to live life to the fullest and Frances watches helplessly as Frank struggles to understand his own emotional and physical limitations. Directed by Carl Schultz, with memorable performances by Graham Kennedy as Freddie, the meddlesome but loyal neighbour and Henri Szeps as the long suffering local doctor weathering an endless stream of self-diagnosis by Frank, TRAVELLING NORTH travels to the heights of happiness and the depth...
Tribute to actor Leo McKern
Not loving the hot weather? Tell that to these poor bastards.
Available on DVD through www.umbrellaent.com.au "A FUNNY, WARM, FEEL GOOD MOVIE." Cinema papers A host of outstanding Aussie actors including LEO McKERN, GEOFFREY RUSH, JOAN SUTHERLAND, NOAH TAYLOR and BARRY OTTO star in this loud, proud, fair dinkum yarn about the original "great Aussie battlersâ€, the Rudds, an unconventional farming family of charming half-wits who survive on boiled pumpkin and parrot stew and half-baked get-rich schemes. When Dad Rudd (Leo McKern) moves his family out into the scrub to 'select' 150 acres of fly-blown land, he discovers he's surrounded by all sorts of vermin - reptiles, insects, and Riley (Barry Otto), his miserable politician neighbour. Dad decides to beat Riley at his own game and stand for parliament. Dad Rudd M.P. The Farmers Friend! "Dad & Da...
Yesterday's Enemy is a 1959 Hammer Films British war film directed by Val Guest and starring Stanley Baker, Guy Rolfe, Leo McKern and Gordon Jackson set in the Burma Campaign during World War II. It is based on a 1958 BBC teleplay by Peter R. Newman who turned it into a three act play in 1960. A British captain (Stanley Baker) and his men take a Burmese village, where he seeks information in cold blood. Gordon Jackson repeated his role from the BBC teleplay as Sgt. Ian Mackenzie. Columbia Pictures co-produced the film with Hammer Films in an agreement for five co-productions a year with Columbia providing half the finance. The film was shot on indoor sets in black and white and Megascope. The film has no musical score. Director Val Guest later said that Yesterday's Enemy was one of his fi...
Armchair Theatre, Danger! Men Working, 1961. Leo McKern.
Armchair Theatre, Danger! Men Working, 1961. Leo McKern.
Here's the wonderful play The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen starring Leo Mckern in the leading role recorded by me in 1988 BBC Television. The Master .
A radioactive, mud-like creature terrorizes a Scottish village.
Here's - The Death of Socrates - Broadcast in 1966 - Starring Leo Mckern as Socrates Directed by Jonathan Miller. "Sunday Night" The Death of Socrates 1966 Cast & Credits Cast Socrates Leo McKern Crito Ronald Adam Phaedo Roddy Maude-roxby Simmlas Peter Eyre Cebes Henry Livings Xanthippe Freda Dowie warder Darroll Richards Credits Direction: Jonathan Miller
7/5/61 With Mark Eden,Richard Pearson,Barry Keegan,Patrick McAlinney & Elizabeth Murray
i run down to your house and leave a trail of crumbs so maybe i can eat my way back home i know that you can't understand the things inside of me that tick so maybe i should be alone i don't want you to understand i just want you to see i miss you i miss you i miss you now the shirt that's on my back is fading fast and it won't last or maybe its just that i have grown i call your house for the millionth time tonight maybe just this once you will be at home