
International Rivers regularly publishes and distributes print materials with the purpose of informing and educating the public about issues related to rivers and dams. All of our materials are available for free, and can be downloaded from our website and reprinted without restriction.

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Featured Publications

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Benchmarking Report Stage One: the Environmental and Social Policies and Practices of Chinese Overseas Hydropower Companies

This report details how the social and environmental policies of the global hydropower industry compare with international best practice.

Dam Standards: A Rights-Based Approach

Our guide, "Dam Standards: A Rights-Based Approach," attempts to summarize the strongest social and environmental standards related to each stage of a dam's project cycle: from strategic planning, to project analysis, to implementation, operation, and dam decommissioning.

An Introduction to Integrated Resources Planning

Integrated Resources Planning is a public process in which planners work together with other interested parties to identify and prepare energy options that serve the highest possible public good. Our guide introduces the IRP concept, contrasts it with conventional practices of power sector planning, and explains the IRP process step by step. 

Civil Society Guide to Healthy Rivers and Climate Resilience

Healthy rivers strengthen climate resilience, while large dams increase our vulnerability to climate change. Our guide explains how climate resilience can be integrated into natural resource management and planning processes for the water and energy sectors.

The New Great Walls

Chinese dam builders have come to dominate the world market. Our NGO guide presents the lessons of past experience and informs interested NGOs in Africa, Asia and Latin America on how they can best influence the projects and policies of Chinese dam builders and advocate for their social and environmental interests. 

World Rivers Review

December 2014 Issue: The latest issue of World Rivers Review pulls together a number of Mekong experts to explore the implications of the dam boom on the river and its people. 

The True Cost of Hydropower in China

This new report and infographic demonstrates that it is possible for China to reduce its carbon emissions without increased hydropower exploitation while highlighting the siginificant environmental, social, and economic costs of hydropower.


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Inga Communities

Introducing Kate Horner, our new Executive Director