
  1. New GM technology paves the way for cotton in Australia's far north

    A new variety of genetically modified cotton is shaping up to be a game-changer for those looking to grow cotton in northern Australia.

  2. Project explores long-haul shipping effects on lamb quality

    A new project will explore how long-haul shipping affects lamb quality after American consumers complain that Australian lamb has a "gamey" flavour.

  1. Irrigation transformation

    A huge transformation has taken place in Tasmania's Midlands since the 1990s, and irrigation has been a major catalyst.

  2. Tackling obesity with fruit

    An apple grower calls on the Government to join fruit and vegetable growers in tackling the nation's obesity epidemic.

  3. Big hopes for new roo works

    A new Kangaroo processor, with contracts to supply an Australian independent supermarket chain, opens for business.

  4. Cattle price squeeze

    Wellard, Australia's largest livestock exporter, turns to shareholders to raise $52 million to cope with price pressure.

  5. Assessing the new calici

    Scientist and landholders across Australia watch for results from the March release of the K5 strain of calicivirus.

  6. Record merino ewe prices

    A shortage of ewes and a strong wool market drive record prices at a merino ewe sale in Western Australia.

  7. Meet Soren Aandahl

    Who is Soren Aandahl and why is he betting against the sandalwood company Quintis?

  8. Old meets new winemaking

    A young Italian wine maker is learning, hands-on, about Australian wine making techniques.

Rural Life

  1. Whisky distillery defends title

    An Albany whisky distillery will defend its title as Australia's best this week, with its secret ingredient — millennia-old peat.

  2. Deserts become oases

    Salt pans in Western Australia's western desert have filled and are providing perfect conditions for waterbird breeding.

  3. Horseless horse races

    The annual Maxwelton race meet was cancelled after officials deemed the track unsafe so the locals decided to make the most of it.

  4. Bilbies jet-lagged

    Endangered bilbies face jet lag and a man drought as they fight to rebuild numbers.

  5. Buying local seafood

    Ethical eating at Easter. Do you really know where your favourite seafood comes from?

  6. Bush horse at Randwick

    Stonyrise, the little bush horse bought for less than $10,000 four years ago is about to take on Randwick.

  7. Record cellar door tourism

    Tourism figures show a large increase in visitors to Tasmania's wineries, distilleries and breweries.

  8. Eco house from cereal crop

    Traditional sheep and grain farmers promote sustainable living after growing the crops to build their straw bale home.

Best Rural Photos


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