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Metaflumizone Z-isomer.svg
Metaflumizone E-isomer.svg
Clinical data
Trade names ProMeris, Alverde
ATCvet code
CAS Number
ECHA InfoCard 100.107.480
Chemical and physical data
Formula C24H16F6N4O2
Molar mass 506.40 g/mol
3D model (Jmol)

Metaflumizone is a semicarbazone insecticide indicated for the veterinary treatment of fleas and ticks, marketed under the brand name ProMeris. A discontinued variant of ProMeris, called ProMeris Duo or Promeris for Dogs, was indicated for canine use and was a formulated blend of metaflumizone and amitraz.[1] The metaflumizone-only formulation is waterproof and typically remain effective for 30–45 days in a cutaneous application at the base of the neck.

Similar insecticides[edit]

Metaflumizone is chemically similar to pyrazoline sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs) discovered at Philips-Duphar in the early 1970s, but is less dangerous to mammals than earlier formulations.[2]


Metaflumizone works by blocking sodium channels in target insects, resulting in paralyzation associated with blocking nerve activity. Metaflumizone blocks sodium channels by binding selectively to the slow-inactivated state, which is characteristic of the SCBIs.[2] The toxin has been tested for efficacy against Spodoptera eridania moths[2] and is indicated for control of fleas and ticks. However, in a cross comparison with other veterinary flea control substances, Metaflumizone was not shown to result in a significant reduction in the number of engorged adult female Culex mosquitoes.[3] Therefore, its usefulness as a heartworm control treatment is likely to be insignificant when compared with comparable treatments such as selamectin that do impact the mosquito disease vector.

Adverse effects reported[edit]

In 2011, Pfizer Animal Care decided to cease production of Promeris Duo / Promeris for Dogs based on findings of a study which linked its use to an elevated incidence of the autoimmune disorder pemphigus foliaceus.[4]


  1. ^ PetPlace Drug Library
  2. ^ a b c Salgado, VL; Hayashi, JH (2007). "Metaflumizone is a novel sodium channel blocker insecticide". Veterinary parasitology. 150 (3): 182–9. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2007.08.032. PMID 17959312. 
  3. ^ Bouhsira, E; Fysikopoulos, A; Franc, M (2009). "Efficacy of fipronil-(S)-methoprene, metaflumizone combined with amitraz, and pyriprole commercial spot-on products in preventing Culex pipiens pipiens from feeding on dogs". Veterinary Record. 165 (5): 135–7. doi:10.1136/vr.165.5.135. PMID 19648637. 
  4. ^ Jessica Tremayne (18 April 2011). "Study Links ProMeris to Pemphigus Foliaceus; Pfizer Stopping Its Production". Veterinary Practice News. California, United States: BowTie. Retrieved 26 April 2011. 

External links[edit]