Videos from Keep Left 2016

50 years on from the Gurindji strike: Racism, justice and Aboriginal rights today
Jason de Santolo

Paddy Gibson

The politics of borders in Europe
Niki Argyri (Greek anti-racist activist and socialist)

Ian Rintoul

Politics after the election
Lee Rhiannon (NSW Greens Senator), Dennis McNamara (CFMEU delegate), Jean Parker (Solidarity)

‘Aussie jobs’, nationalism and the legacy of White Australia
Phil Griffiths

The war at home: Women, work and militancy in WWII
Lucy Honan

Sexism, biological essentialism and the myths of gender
Amy Thomas

Videos from Keep Left 2015

The White Australia Policy, class and racism (Phil Griffiths)

Recession and austerity in Greece: Can Syriza solve the crisis
(Petros Constantinou and Adam Rorris)

Lessons of the war on terror (Jasmine Ali)

Check your privilege: Marxism, feminism & theories of oppression
(Lucy Honan)

Team Australia? Not our team! Uniting to fight racism
(Ken Canning, Aboriginal activist; Ian Rintoul, Refugee rights activist; Lydia Shelly, co-founder Islamophobia Register)