

20 February - 20 March

Your body may be sending you the signal to rest but youre burning the candle at both ends. Friends could cause you to spread yourself too thinly. Containment is necessary. You could be lucky just now but be careful not to lunge at an opportunity. A relaxed and poised attitude will make a greater impression on others.


21 March - 20 April

Youll You may have to put aside your anger towards someone because you need them in some capacity totheir help you. You need to balance the pros and cons of the relationship. You want to be clear inon your relationship but are sending out mixed messages. Its time you started being clear aboutexpressing what you want rather than playing the guessing game and expecting others to play that same gameit with you. You may have to be ruthless to be kind.


21 April - 21 May

You could feel duped by someone and you may pay them more than what they are worth. Get some comparative prices before you go out shopping and declaring yourself broke. Hair- trigger emotions mean you maymight make you feel like you are havinghave to fight on all fronts. Certainly iIt is likely that you will be called upon to be more active and dynamic at this time. If you can take on an appropriateA new project this would be a positive way to use this energy.


22 May - 21 June

Today is a day for again deepening your interest in friendships but you need to also include your family in your some of these events. Theres a cross over between family and social life. You may go out of your way to impress others but remember all that glitters is not gold. You may not receive the accolades you had hoped for. Try to be more subtle in conveying what you think are your better points today.


22 June - 23 July

You may have to sit through a boring movie or work function simply for the sake of pleasing someone else tonight. It is okay to say no. You need to make an extra effort with someone in the family possibly a child whos not behaving properly. Try not to react too strongly and say it with a smile.


24 July - 23 August

You may have to deal with a stupid relative just now and although you will be right in your assessments of something they will argue with you. Dont argue. You may act very spontaneously today and find yourself in a place or a situation that is thoroughly entertaining. If only this could happen every day.


24 August - 23 September

You may find a discrepancy somewhere along the line just now. If you are out shopping your bill could be higher than what you were expecting. Check your invoices. Your intuition is strong today so read between the lines because your intuitive responses to people will be correct. Someone may be trying to mislead you.


24 September - 23 October

You must not mix business with pleasure even though the heat of the moment tempts you to do otherwise. Keep things strictly on a business level if you are in a workplace-related situation. You may be able to solve that long standing problem by just listening to the other person and consider the matter from their side. Empathy is your key word at present.


24 October - 22 November

Your life could feel like its in a constant state of change. But just be mindful that others are not as quick off the mark as you. Timing is everything in your work especially today. Your social surroundings need to be in harmony with your spirit. Dont put yourself in a situation thats going to be uncomfortable and adversely affect your nerves.


23 November - 22 December

Make sure you begin promoting yourself just now even though youre still on holidays break. Whatever social circumstances arise plug yourself into that and get the word out. Now youll need to make a daring bid for new beginnings. This has more to do with your emotional connection to others than anything else.


23 December - 20 January

You need to stick to your guns even if others are trying to distract you from what you are doing. Dont doubt your decisions. You need freedom just now and you want to break free of any constraints. This should be a great reunion with friends or you may travel.


21 January - 19 February

At the moment your surroundings are having an increased effect on you and this may cause you to consider rennovation or even a change of location. You may find it difficult to feel settled or at home for a little while but ultimately the changes you make will affect you positively. Being wounded can sometimes make you wise if you are spiritually attuned to the lessons of life. Today Iif you are hurt today look at the deeper meaning of the experience.

Astrology.com.au with Dadhich