miss_s_b: (Mood: Facepalm)
This makes this post somewhat more difficult than I was anticipating... ANYWAY. I am going to tell you who I would like to see win and who I think WILL win (with as many single intenders as I can fit) and we'll find out tomorrow how right or wrong I am.

CategoryWho I want to winWho I think WILL winComment
Blog of the Year (The Big Botty)Zoe O'ConnellDavid BoyleI nominated Jonathan Calder for Liberal England, mainly because I can't believe he's not won it already. David Boyle has been consistently good this year, though... The field is a good one, with no one blogger who will obviously stand out as "THAT'S the winner!" to everybody. Frankly, I'll be happy as long as neither I nor Count Packula win, because neither of us needs it. Zoe's blog deserves to be much more widely read, though, and on that basis I'd like to see her win it.
Blog Post of the YearSarah BrownCount Packula's pretty picturePeople like Infographics. They annoy me, because they're great big long unwieldy lumps of stuff that take ages to load, and I can't read them properly on my phone without zooming in and out all the time, but apparently I'm in a minority. Sarah's post, though, is hands down the most important and must-read one on the list, and fully deserves to win.
Tweeter/Facebooker of the year@stackee@LordBonkersI think this one is as wide open as the Big Botty to be honest, and it all depends on whether judges value dry Lib Demmery or humanity or both as to who wins. It could be any of the nominees, but I've plumped for Lord Bonkers because Rutland's award cabinet needs fresh metal.
Tim Garden AwardLynne Featherstonetoss up between Tim Farron & Julian HuppertI don't think Jo Swinson or Tom Brake use twitter in the way it's meant to be used. They put stuff out but they don't interact as much as the other three do. Julian and Tim are digital natives, and it shows; Lynne is a bloody good twitterer too, and given that there's not much to choose between the three I want her to win for basically sexist reasons. Girls doing politics AND tech? Hell to the yes.
Best LD Online CampaignGold GuardTeam EastleighThis is another one that's wide open and any of the nominees could win it. On that basis: anyone but me, please, judges.

The public vote has now ended for Non Lib Dem Online Campaign (English Disco Lovers FTW!) and Photo (YAY Doctor Huppert!) so all we need to do now is sit back and wait for the ceremony. I'll not be at the ceremony myself, but I'll be keeping my eye on twitter to see who wins. I hope those who DO go the ceremony have a good time, and whether I win or lose have a gin or several for me :)
miss_s_b: Vince Cable's happy face (Politics: Vince - happy face)
The first thing to say here is that several people had difficulty completing the survey: if this happens to you my advice would be to wait half an hour and then go back to it, that's what worked for me.

On to the meat of this post then: you can't get back into the survey once you've filled it in, so this is from memory, and the list of categories on Lib Dem Voice.

CategoryWho I voted ForWho I think will winComment
LD Councillor of the YearPauline NashAlex FolkesAll the nominees in this were not big national figures, but Alex is a blogger. More of us have heard of him therefore he will win.
Favourite Tory MPSarah WollastonP Bone & N DorriesFelt physically sick at some of the nominees for this. P Bone & N Dorries will win bcause annoying them is the most palatable option.
Favourite Labour MPStella CreasyGenuinely don't knowFelt physically sick at some of the nominees for this, too. Frank "Misogyny" Field FFS?
Online Campaign (non-LD)?English Disco LoversI don't think I got to vote in this. Can't get back ino the survey to find out...
Best Photo??Definitely didn't get to vote in this.
LD minister of the yearLynne Featherstonesomebody pale and maleLynne definitely deserves to win, but she won't, sadly. Of course, if she does I'll be chuffed.
LD MP of the yearJulian HuppertJulian HuppertI will be utterly stunned if Julian doesn't win.
Other ParliamentarianLiz BarkerNo ideaLiz deserves to win for her work in the Lords on equal marriage. No idea who actually WILL win.
Best Commentatorcan't rememberdon't careThis list was shocking. The only woman on there was Polly Toynbee, and they were ALL old media. Clueless Tory shill Nick Robinson being nominated was a particular shock. What sort of idiot rates him?
Best broadcasterCathy NewmanEddie MairWould have put Martha Kearney on my prefs list if she'd been there. And somehow there was another nomination for bloody Robinson.

I'll do a similar list for the judged categories (who I want to win/who I think will win) when all the nominees are revealed. As for those above? Well, it's an advert for getting more people to nominate next year, that's for sure. Nick Robinson nominated for TWO awards? Frank Field? Eurgh. Anyway, if you're a member of the LDV forum you should have your email for voting. Get on and do it. I don't know when the deadline is, but it's BOUND to be before Saturday night...
miss_s_b: (Default)
So I, personally, am the fourteenth best Lib Dem blogger, and my blog is the seventeenth best blog, according to those who voted in the Total Bollocks Willy Waving Awards. This puts me in the slightly embarrassing position of having beaten my favourite minister of state in both charts - sorry Lynne :(

Am really glad to see Caron second only to Lib Dem Voice and Count Packula in each chart. I hope this is a good sign for the Botties tonight. I've been nominated for best post in that, but I don't expect to win. Both Neil's and Alex's nominated posts are better than mine. Also I have issued threats to various people about what will happen if I DO win...
miss_s_b: (Britishness: Pride)
There are two days left to vote in the Total Bollocks Willy-Waving Awards this year. Many of you reading this will have already voted, but if you haven't I'd like you to consider doing what Caron, Stephen and I have done: whoever else you vote for (and you must vote for a minimum of five in each of the two categories), vote Andrew Reeves Running Blog number one and Andrew Reeves top blog author.

Andrew was a mainstay of the Lib Dem blogosphere until he sadly passed away not long ago, and his blog was warm, witty, and is much missed. It would be a fitting tribute to his memory, in my view, for him to rank highly, and since he can't ask you to vote for him himself, I'm passing on the message. It'd be naive to expect him to win, but I wouldn't mind finishing behind him.

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miss_s_b: (Blogging: Mod hat)
It's that time of the year again, and my usual exhortation. Please go vote, and vote for some girls. If Caron isn't in the top five this year there's no justice.

Click here to vote in the Total Politics Blog Awards 2011
miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Lee)
Worth watching for the clip montage alone, here is Christopher Lee getting his BAFTA fellowship, long overdue in my view.

Watching it reminds me of watching Peter Cushing on Jim'll Fix It not long before he died. He's so thin and frail. I haven't got the words at the moment to describe how sad that makes me feel. For the last twenty years Christopher Lee's barely aged, and then suddenly... :(

For more eloquent comment, see this post by [personal profile] magister. And have a drink to the sexiest voice in acting - he's still there, but watching that, I don't think he will be for much longer.

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miss_s_b: (Mood: Mine!)
Right. Since this all went tits up with poorly doggies, and I am bad at administrating things anyway (why oh why can I not have Mummy Helen's skill with such matters?) we're going to get this over with by doing the last two categories together. Next year I'm going to simplify this A LOT LOL.

Here is a list of all the eligible blogs which have been nominated for geekiest blogger:

Antony Green's Election Blog
[personal profile] damned_colonial
[livejournal.com profile] davegodfrey
Gavin Robinson
Geeka Chicas
James Masterton

And here is a list of all the eligible blogs which have been nominated for best Sex-Positve blog:

FuckYeah! Ask a Bi!
Male Submission Art
Modern Poly
Rarely Wears Lipstick
[personal profile] tajasel
Yes Means Yes

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open until midnight on Thursday, and the voting for the overall winner will go up on Friday and be open for a week.

Poll #4378 Geekiest Blog AND Best Sex-Positive Blog
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 31

Which blog should win the award for geekiest blog?

Antony Green's Election Blog
2 (9.1%)

Damned Colonial
5 (22.7%)

Dave Godfrey
2 (9.1%)

Gavin Robinson
2 (9.1%)

Geeka Chicas
9 (40.9%)

James Masterton
0 (0.0%)

2 (9.1%)

Which blog should win the award for best sex-positive blog?

1 (3.7%)

FuckYeah! Ask a bi!
4 (14.8%)

Male Submission Art
2 (7.4%)

Modern Poly
1 (3.7%)

Rarely Wears Lipstick
3 (11.1%)

15 (55.6%)

Yes Means Yes
1 (3.7%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Politics: FU)
... And while there are some worthy nominees in the other categories (YAY for Penny Red and Lady Mark and Bridget in particular), inevitably focus is going to land on what might be referred to as The Big BOTY, for which I, thankfully, have escaped nomination. Why do I say thankfully? Well, because it's cursed. Or perhaps even curséd. Everyone who wins it stops blogging and disappears. The only person to escape from the curse is gravelly-voiced sexpot James Graham, and he's not telling how he did it.

The poor benighted souls who have been nominated are as follows:
Caron’s Musings by Caron Lindsay (my erstwhile sponsor!)
Lynne Featherstone MP
Mark Reckons by Mark Thompson
The Very Fluffy diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant
Politicomaniac by Joe Jordan
My plea to the judges is a simple one: give it to Mark Reckons. He's already closed his blog anyway, so giving him the award can't do any more damage. In the name of everything sacred and true, don't give it to Caron or Millennium: I couldn't live without those two on my reading list, and it's not worth the risk.

Please, dear, sweet, wise judges: have pity on those of us who read blogs as well as write them, and don't take any more good ones away.

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miss_s_b: (Default)
Wikio - Top Blogs Wikio - Top Blogs - Politics

Lib Dem Blog Post of the Year 2013 for this post.

Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice
(on a semi-regular basis)
miss_s_b: (Default)
... Thanks to everyone who voted for me in the Total Bollocks Willy-Waving Contest. This makes the top ten Lib Dem Willy-Wavers approach gender balance, as there are myself, Caron and Sara in the top ten, and the very top site, despite what Count Packula would have you believe, is pretty much run by Mummy Helen, with TechnoRyan for the technical stuff.

It would be nice to see more bloggers of colour and LGBTers up there as well, but perhaps that's a campaign for next year.

I shall be making proper badges for the mantelpiece when I get home from visiting Posh Boy tomorrow. Hopefully.

This blog is proudly sponsored by Caron's Musings

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miss_s_b: (TG: Powaaaahhh!!!)

Here is a list of all the eligible blogs which have been nominated for best non-human blogger:

Big Ben
Corpse Flower Lois
Millennium Elephant
Pink Dog

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4099 Best Non-Human Blogger
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 17

Which blog should win the award for best non-human blogger?

Big Ben
4 (23.5%)

0 (0.0%)

Corpse Flower Lois
0 (0.0%)

Millennium Elephant
11 (64.7%)

Pink Dog
0 (0.0%)

2 (11.8%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Default)

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for best beardy blogger:

Andrew Hickey
[livejournal.com profile] burkesworks
Councillor the Honourable Lady Mark Valladares
[personal profile] matgb
Mike Szymanski
[livejournal.com profile] redhillian

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4072 Best Beardy Blogger
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 28

Which blog should win the award for best beardy blogger?

Andrew Hickey
7 (25.0%)

9 (32.1%)

Councillor the Honourable Lady Mark Valladares
5 (17.9%)

1 (3.6%)

3 (10.7%)

Mike Szymanski
0 (0.0%)

3 (10.7%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Default)

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for sexiest blogger:

The Atrocity Exhibition
[livejournal.com profile] davegodfrey
[personal profile] djm4
[personal profile] helenic
[personal profile] matgb
[livejournal.com profile] minnesatva
[personal profile] nanila
Penny Red
[livejournal.com profile] strfvr
Wil Wheaton

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4056 Sexiest Blogger
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 40

Which blog should win the award for sexiest blogger?

The Atrocity Exhibition
1 (2.5%)

Dave Godfrey
3 (7.5%)

David Matthewman/djm4
1 (2.5%)

3 (7.5%)

3 (7.5%)

Minnesatva/Holly Mathies
3 (7.5%)

22 (55.0%)

Penny Red/Laurie Penny
1 (2.5%)

1 (2.5%)

Wil Wheaton
2 (5.0%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Roslin/adama)

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for prettiest blog:

Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings
Debi Linton (again!)
[livejournal.com profile] ginasketch
Jon Ball
Male Submission Art
TV Cream

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4051 Prettiest Blog Design
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 17

Which blog should win the award for prettiest blog design?

Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings
1 (5.9%)

Debi Linton
4 (23.5%)

5 (29.4%)

Jon Ball
2 (11.8%)

Male Submission Art
3 (17.6%)

TV Cream
2 (11.8%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Arse!)

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for wittiest blog:

Apathy Sketchpad
BBC Comedy Blog
Cake Wrecks
John Scalzi
[personal profile] nanaya
Richard Herring
Victoria Coren

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4044 Wittiest Blog
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 10

Which blog should win the award for wittiest blog?

Apathy Sketchpad
0 (0.0%)

BBC Comedy Blog
0 (0.0%)

Cake Wrecks
3 (30.0%)

0 (0.0%)

John Scalzi
1 (10.0%)

1 (10.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Richard Herring
2 (20.0%)

Victoria Coren
2 (20.0%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Who: Evelyn)

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for best feminist blog:

Debi Linton
Feminist Hulk
Feminist Law Professors
Geek Feminism
The Hathor Legacy
Mothers For Women's Lib
Penny Red
Pink Stinks

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4038 Best Feminist Blog
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 33

Which blog should win the award for best feminist blog?

1 (3.0%)

Debi Linton
2 (6.1%)

0 (0.0%)

Feminist Hulk
7 (21.2%)

Feminist Law Professors
0 (0.0%)

Geek Feminism
4 (12.1%)

The Hathor Legacy
11 (33.3%)

1 (3.0%)

Mothers For Women's Lib
1 (3.0%)

Penny Red
4 (12.1%)

Pink Stinks
2 (6.1%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Who: Six (Drag Queen))

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for best fandom blog:

Den of Geek
[livejournal.com profile] diggerdydum
Fandom Wank
[personal profile] lizbee
[livejournal.com profile] looking2dastars
Moviegrrl Reviews
The Mindless Ones
[livejournal.com profile] who_daily

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4009 Best Fandom Blog
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 30

Which blog should win the award for best fandom blog?

Den of Geek
2 (6.7%)

7 (23.3%)

Fandom Wank
3 (10.0%)

3 (10.0%)

3 (10.0%)

Moviegrrl Reviews
5 (16.7%)

The Mindless Ones
2 (6.7%)

Who Daily
5 (16.7%)

Other Categories:

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miss_s_b: (Default)
Everybody get ready to wave your Willies!

Here is a list of all the blogs which have been nominated for best political blog:

Caron's Musings
Charlotte Gore
Debi Linton
[personal profile] djm4
Helen Duffett
The Other Taxpayers' Alliance
Two Doctors
The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant

Please take a look at them, assess them, and then vote. The vote is anonymous, and you don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to vote - instructions on logging in with open ID are here. Do feel free to pimp it out to your readers if you've been nominated. The poll will remain open for a week, and the next category will go up tomorrow.

Poll #4002 Best Political Blog
This poll is closed.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: Just the Poll Creator, participants: 34

Which blog should win the award for best political blog?

5 (14.7%)

Caron's Musings
2 (5.9%)

Charlotte Gore
1 (2.9%)

Debi Linton
10 (29.4%)

David Matthewman/djm4
3 (8.8%)

Helen Duffet
1 (2.9%)

The Other Taxpayers' Alliance
2 (5.9%)

Two Doctors
2 (5.9%)

The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant
8 (23.5%)

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miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Beer!)
Due to popular Demand*, I am going to run my own series of blog awards again. I am seeking nominations in the following categories:
  1. Best Political Blog (e.g. Caron's Musings, Helen Duffett)

  2. Best Fandom Blog (e.g. [personal profile] lizbee, Den of Geek)

  3. Best Feminist Blog (e.g. Feminist Law Professors, Pink Stinks)

  4. Wittiest Blog (e.g. FailBlog, BBC Comedy Blog)

  5. Prettiest Blog design (e.g. Thagomizer, Jon Ball)

  6. Sexiest Blogger (e.g. Penny Red, [personal profile] djm4)

  7. Best Beardy Blogger (e.g. [livejournal.com profile] burkesworks, my own dear wife).

  8. Best Non-human Blogger (e.g. Millennium Elephant, Pink Dog)

  9. Geekiest Blogger (e.g. [livejournal.com profile] davegodfrey, Geeka Chicas)

  10. Best Sex Positive Blog (e.g. Yes Means Yes, Modern Poly)
Each category will have a number blogs selected from the nominations, and there will be a public vote as to who wins each category. The winners of each category will be put forward in a public vote for the overall Best Blog award.

Anonymous nominations are allowed. You can nominate in as few or as many categories as you like. Blogs with multiple authors are also allowed in any of the categories. A blog must have been updated in the last quarter (three months) to be eligible. I reserve the right to reject nominations for entirely capricious and self-serving reasons, just like every other set of blog awards. The only difference is, I don't try and hide it.

Nominations close on SUNDAY at MIDNIGHT, that's in three days' time, at which point comments on this entry will be closed. So get nominating!

* i.e. Andrew Hickey asked me to do it.

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miss_s_b: (Innuendo: Ogg)
Mark Reckons is waving his willy so furiously that at least two other blogs have posted about it (not linking to the original because Mark runs MessageSpace). If you want to subvert his desires for Total Blogosphere Domination, vote Debi. And Caron. And Helen. And other ladies. Or gentlemen with beards. Instructions follow:
1. You must vote for your ten favourite blogs and ranks them from 1 (your favourite) to 10 (your tenth favourite).
2. Your votes must be ranked from 1 to 10. Any votes which do not have rankings will not be counted.
3. You MUST include at least FIVE blogs in your list, but please list ten if you can. If you include fewer than five, your vote will not count.
4. Email your vote to toptenblogs@totalpolitics.com
5. Only vote once.
6. Only blogs based in the UK, run by UK residents or based on UK politics are eligible. No blog will be excluded from voting.
7. Anonymous votes will not count. You must give a name
8. All votes must be received by midnight on 31 July 2010. Any votes received after that date will not count.

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miss_s_b: (Who: Davros Destruction)
The Egregious Tory Tosser is running his Westminster Village willy-waving contest again. My aim in publicising this is simple. I want to get as many people as possible to vote for blogs written by people who don't have willies to wave, who don't concentrate on gossippy rubbish, and who actually have something to say. I'm not one for positive discrimination, as you know, but I am pig sick of the political blogosphere being painted as a self-congratulatory boy's own club which is obsessed with Westminster gossip. My method for subverting this, then, is to vote entirely for female-written blogs. YMM, obvs, V.

Here are the rules:
1. You must vote for your ten favourite blogs and rank them from 1 (your favourite) to 10 (your tenth favourite).
2. Your votes must be ranked from 1 to 10. Any votes which do not have rankings will not be counted.
3. You MUST include at least FIVE blogs in your list, but please list ten if you can. If you include fewer than five, your vote will not count.
4. Email your vote to toptenblogs@totalpolitics.com
5. Only vote once.
6. Only blogs based in the UK, run by UK residents or based on UK politics are eligible. No blog will be excluded from voting.
7. Anonymous votes will not count. You must give a name.
8. All votes must be received by midnight on 31 July 2010. Any votes received after that date will not count.
9, DO NOT list on your blog ten blogs you think your readers should vote for. Any duplicate voting of this nature will be disallowed.
Please ensure you stick to the rules, and vote for anyone other than the boring usual suspects like the egregious Tory Tosser and Guido.

For your edification, the blogs I have voted for are under the cut. Please note that I publish them in the spirit of openness and transparency, and NOT to tell anyone else who to vote for. )

I urge you (ALL of you!) to vote early, vote ONCE (or your vote won't be counted), vote for the girls. Oh yes, and if you DO decide to publicise this yourself (and I heartily encourage you to do so - in fact, you can copy and paste this post wholesale if you like, as long as you put your own list of blogs you voted for in there instead of mine) DO NOT link to the Egregious Tory Tosser's blog in your post. His ranking is QUITE high enough as it is.

ETA: a thought. If everyone who reads this puts Debi for their number one, whoever else they put for the other nine, this will be a good way to make the point. It'll be like Rage Against the Machine being Christmas number one. And it'll really wind Debi up... ;) Do please vote for other people than I did in the other nine places, though, so as to not fall foul of the duplicate voting rule.

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miss_s_b: (Default)
The new wikio charts will be out soon and you can taste the anticipation in the political blogosphere. Will I be up or down? Will the egregious Tory tosser still be number one? Well, Charlotte has the answer to the second of those (hint: it's not the answer we're all hoping for). But what's this? There's a new willy to wave on the block: The House of Twits HoT whatevernumberitistoday. It started off at 50, and then it was 100, and now it's 200. I'm (at the time of typing) #109; the wife is at #79. He barely even tweets, damn him! Two things please me immensely about the HoT whatevernumberitistoday: the first is that Evan Harris is #1 and the egregious tory tosser is a lot further down the list than that. And the second is that Innerbrat remains resolutely above me on the chart.

See, Debi, I told you that you were a better political blogger than me!

Coming Attractions:

Once the election is over I might have chance to show you the pictures from my day with the Bailiff Bridge Community Action Group, and also you may get to marvel at my fabulous Lib Dem shoes. But for now, it's time for food, and then yet more leafletting. I would like to leave you with a report of a conversation I had this afternoon:

What you shoving through my door there, love?
I'm just delivering leaflets.
It's not for pizza is it? I get bloody loads of them, and I can't bear cheese...
No, mate, worse than that, it's politics. I'm a Lib Dem. Standing for the council. Can't afford to pay people to deliver my leaflets; have to do it myself.
Aye? Well, good luck to you lass, it's nice to see someone making an effort. Hope it gets you somewhere.

... I hope it does too.

Blog Awards

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 11:51 am
miss_s_b: (Fangirling: Beer!)
Today appears to be award day. I am at 117 in the Total Bollocks chart, up from 165 last year, which is not bad to say that all That Tory Blogger's mates will have voted. I've made myself a slightly amended button. Anyone who wants one doing of any of the other images, it's a five minute job, so do let me know:

The nominations are also out for the botties, and I'd particularly like to congratulate Caron, Grouchy, and Millennium. Perhaps the year of Fluffy Justice is here at last? C'mon judges, put aside your cuddly toy prejudice and vote fluffy. Don't be predictable and pick Charlotte or Mark or Costigan. You know it makes fluffy sense.

Now I have to organise decorations for the Losers' Table. Perhaps I could get Mat to bake some special cookies...

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miss_s_b: (Politics: FU)
Click here to vote in the Total Bollocks Best Blogs Poll 2009

OK, so I caved. I blame Andrew Hickey, who has told everyone to vote for me.

For the record, here's who I voted for:
1, Debi Linton
2, Crust of the Grouch
3, Millennium Elephant
4, Charlotte Gore
5, Alex Wilcock
6, Penny Red
7, Feminist Mums
8, Sara Bedford
9, Alix Mortimer
10, John Q Publican
This is why this post is f-locked. Apparently you're not supposed to tell people who you voted for this year. You can solicit votes for yourself, but not for anyone else, apparently. How very Tory.

The order of the people I voted for is deliberate, with those whom I think will get less votes higher up on my list to maximise the impact of the vote. Do feel free to participate if you want to, or ignore it if you want to. Just remember that if you DO participate, you must vote for exactly ten blogs, and number them, or your vote will be discounted.

ETA: since the results are out I have taken the lock off this post.

About This Blog

picture of Jennie Rigg

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org.

Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously).

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