
ginasketch: (potoo)

ginasketch's Journal

Next of kin to Chaos

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Created on 2009-05-02 17:10:09 (#216954), last updated 2013-10-14 (168 weeks ago)

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Birthdate:Jul 18
Location:London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I'm a Natural History illustrator based in London. I love capturing wildlife through the medium of drawing. I feel it adds something to a scene that photography can't. I will probably do a post graduate in Scientific Illustration in the future.

You may notice a lot of devils on my LJ. This is why:A few years ago I did my degree in Design for Animation. My end of year project was a "trailer" for the BBC radio comedy Old Harry's Game. This was only a student project. I get asked a lot if this will be made into an animated series. No, it won't. It's not mine to make. The script, characters and audio belong to Andy Hamilton and the BBC.

The visual devil designs, however, are mine. I plan on making a devil-themed story that has nothing to do with OHG, apart from the similarity in visual style. Don't expect any plots about being in hell or professors etc. This is why in amoungst the scientific illustration and wildlife drawings you will see cartoony stuff. It's likely to only be a personal project for fun though.

Of greater importance at the moment is my career in Natural History/Scientific Illustration.

Most if not all of my art posts are public. The private part of my LJ involves personal stuff and I ask that you respect that. Not many rules on my LJ, but I don't tolerate any racism, sexism or homophobia.

Hope you enjoy the artwork.

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