
chess: (something)

chess's Journal

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Created on 2009-04-14 12:04:13 (#58432), last updated 2017-04-04 (10 weeks ago)

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Name:Michelle Taylor
Birthdate:Jun 7
Location:Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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I'm me. Notably, this includes:

ChessyPig on #maelfroth, and #larp,

Amaranth, butterfly angel, at Maelstrom (you might also know previous characters Jessily, golden-brown wemic, Tourmaline, purple facet, and Talishae, onontakhan dryad)

Kastaka on and various other fic sites and similar

Michelle Taylor in what people sometimes attempt to convince me is the real world, and, alas, on Faceache.

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