Listener Complaints


All program content on this station (music, news, talk, etc) is regulated by the Commercial Radio Codes of Practice (Codes).


The Codes provide a complaints process through which you can make an official complaint if you reasonably feel that the station has broadcast a program which breaches the Codes.


You do not need to refer to the Codes in making a complaint, but you must adequately describe the nature and details of your complaint, including the date, time and name of the program.


Your complaint should not be made more than 30 days after the broadcast, otherwise we are not obliged to respond to it.


How we deal with your complaint


On receiving a valid complaint, we will write back to the address supplied within 30 days of receipt.


If you are not satisfied with that response, you are entitled to refer the matter to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).


Making your complaint


To make a complaint, you must write to us by letter or fax, or submit your complaint online.  You can download the written complaints form here.


If using the written form, please:


  • POST TO: “The Station Manager” Radio 3AW/Magic 1278 Melbourne Pty. Limited, PO Box 369, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia.


To request the electronic form, please complete your details below.


For a copy of the Codes, visit


Verification Code
Please type the letters you see above to confirm the request