direct action

Class Consciousness 101

Libertarian Communist Symbol

The following is a manifesto that was written with the intention of introducing some newly arrived activists within the libertarian sector in the US to the core concepts of socialism and class consciousness. Consider it a handy tutorial or learning aid for individuals and organisations alike. As this is intended to be a light educational piece, some levity is to be expected to keep the reader engaged. This resource is in the public domain, and feel free to edit it with your own personal platform/goals.

1965-72: SOS Australian Mothers Resist Vietnam War Conscription

Article about the activities of Save Our Sons, a group made up by mothers of Australian conscripts. And the role it played in ending conscription and Australian involvement in the Vietnam war.

1995: Russian Mothers Attempt to Stop Chechen War

Article about the attempt by a group of Russian Mothers to stop the first war in Chechnya by direct action.

1984-85: Gay Activists Campaign Against Discrimination in Manitoba

Article detailing the campaign to add sexual orientation to discrimination legislation.

1965: Philadelphia Dewey's Restaurant Sit In

After Dewey's restaurant began refusing to serve suspected homosexual customers three teenagers staged a sit down protest, possibly the first sit down protest in support of Gay rights. Their arrest lead to a campaign by local Gay activists against discrimination at the restaurant.

Don't Make A Wave: The Campaign Against Nuclear Testing on Amchitka Island

Article on the history of the campaign to stop nuclear weapons tests on the Alaskan Island on Amchitka. The campaign would lead to the founding of Green Peace.

Building Working-Class Defense Organizations: An Interview with the Twin Cities GDC

First of May Anarchist Alliance interviewed Erik D., Secretary of Twin Cities IWW-General Defense Committee (GDC) Local 14. The GDC which has grown to approximately 100 members in Minnesota has become an important pole of struggle for pro-working-class revolutionaries on a number of different fronts, most significantly the year-long struggle against police killings and brutality.

Anarchy Works - Peter Gelderloos

This book uses historical and anthropological examples to show that people have, in different ways and at different times, demonstrated mutual aid, self-organization, autonomy, and horizontal decision making—that anarchy works!

Comment on Anarchy 13 & 14: direct action and disobedience

Comment from "HD" on articles about direct action in previous issues of Anarchy written by Nicolas Walter, discussing the mass trespassing in the Peak District in the 1930s.