
The Age Letters

First home buyers face an impossible dream

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

Readers discuss how difficult it is for first home buyers to get a foot in the property market. They are particularly concerned about the effect of negative gearing and the number of foreign buyers.

Dutton must learn the meaning of democracy

Ron Tandberg

Readers discuss Peter Dutton's controversial advice to CEOs of major companies that they should ''stick to their knitting'' rather than comment on the same-sex marriage debate.

We need to carefully plan the national grid

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Readers continue to discuss the expansion of the Snowy Mountains scheme, South Australia's plan for battery storage systems and new power stations, and nuclear energy.

As a cyclist, I have had many near misses

Illustration: David Pope

I ride 250kilometres per week and have had many near misses. Facing death by the wheels of mammoth trucks is part of the experience here, and there are few safe route choices.

The high cost of not having medical tests

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Mechanisms need to be in place to examine widespread rorting of a basically healthy system and patients need to be diligent that their doctors are not over-delivering services.