Internationale 1938.05

This is the May issue of the 1938 Internationale, the monthly review of the IWA-AIT which discusses the 1938 congress and the Spanish civil war.

Las Pendientes Resbaladizas (Los anarquistas en España)

Un libro de un militante de Federación Obrera Regional Uruguaya (FORU), Manuel Azaretto, sobre anarcosindicalismo en España y un critica desde perspectiva forista de la CNT y su acciones durante la revolución española. El texto tiene cuatro partes, y un introduccion con el autor desconocido.

La legalización (de la CNT)

Un articulo sobre la legalizacion de la CNT en 1977 de un periodico de la CNT.

Spain: mainstream unions support big business, CNT fights back

An article by Brandon Oliver about the CNT's response to austerity in Spain.

Introduction: Ready for revolution

The Kate Sharpley Library team discuss Guillamón's work on the CNT's Defence Committees in relation to what we know about the start of the Spanish Revolution and why it's important.

Interview with new IWA-AIT general secretary

The new general secretary of the anarcho-syndicalist International Workers’ Association, Laure Akai, answers questions from the newspaper “CNT”, organ of the Spanish section of the IWA-AIT.

The Spanish civil war: revolution and counterrevolution - Burnett Bolloten

This monumental book offers a comprehensive history and analysis of Republican political life during the Spanish Civil War.

A critical look at the Spanish revolution - Ricardo Fuego

A 2010 essay in which the author attributes the defeat of the Spanish Revolution not to its betrayal at the hands of a naïve and incompetent leadership, but to the fact that “If the Spanish proletariat valued acronyms and leaders more than their own interests this was because objective and subjective difficulties stood in the way of their potential to attain a level of class autonomy sufficient to do without such mediations”.

The theorization of historical experiences - Agustín Guillamón

A critique of Roi Ferreiro’s critique of Andrés Devesa’s essay on the Spanish civil war and revolution, in which Guillamon derides Ferreiro for idealism and the use of elitist jargon, and for his failure to “perceive that the battle for revolutionary history is not just a bookish, theoretical and abstract question, but another battlefield in the class war between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat”.

Critical notes on the text, "Spain, 1936. The exorcism of the ghost of the revolution", by Andrés Devesa - Roi Ferreiro

A critique of Andrés Devesa’s essay on the “domestication of memory” with respect to the events of the Spanish civil war and revolution, which is faulted for having placed too much emphasis on the failure of leadership of the CNT-FAI as the reason for the failure of the revolution, which Ferreiro traces to the subjective disposition of the rank and file of anarchosyndicalism, who were too dependent on “their organization”, with which they strongly identified, to break free of its tutelage and their “conformist and passive attitude” towards its collaboration.