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Population booms: Victoria has four of the five fastest growing suburbs in Australia

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Melbourne is booming faster than ever before, with new population figures showing the city has four of the five fastest growing regions in the nation.

More people are moving to South Morang than any other suburb in the nation, while Cranbourne East, Craigieburn and Point Cook are also in Australia's five fastest growing areas.

South Morang and Cranbourne East each increased by 5000 people last year.


The figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the population of Melbourne climbed 107,770 to 4.64 million in 2016 – a jump of 2.4 per cent, the fastest in the nation.

Brisbane grew 1.8 per cent, and Greater Sydney 1.7 per cent to pass 5 million for the first time.


Canberra's population grew 1.7 per cent, Perth's 1.3 per cent,  Darwin and Hobart 0.8 per cent, and Adelaide 0.7 per cent.

The figures also showed a record 1.9 per cent of Australia's population was born in India by 2016, more than double the 0.8 per cent recorded a decade earlier.

The proportion born in China jumped from 1.2 per cent to 2.2 per cent.

A record 28 per cent of Australians were born overseas, up from 24 per cent ten years earlier

In every state, the "rest of state" grew far more slowly than the capital city. South Australia recorded zero growth outside Adelaide, and the Western Australian population outside Perth and the Northern Territory population outside Darwin fell.

Victoria is the only state in which the "rest of state" population climbed more than 1 per cent (1.1 per cent), but most of the west and east of the state went backwards in terms of population.

The relative hollowing out of regional Australia as more people move to the cities, and in particular the outer suburbs of Melbourne, brings with it frustrations.

Epping resident Gaurav Surati moved to Australia 13 years ago from India. The IT consultant said he didn't foresee the massive road congestion that would accompany the attraction of more affordable housing.

"The roads that we are using these days in the north are something that were designed 50 years ago," he said.

The multiple layers of local, state and federal government meant no one was taking responsibility for the infrastructure that communities needed to function properly.

"As a result, nothing really happens," Mr Surati said, leaving residents to cope as best they could. 

South Morang resident , Jack Mercovich. . 30th March 2017. Photo by Jason South

Photo: Jason South

Jack Mercovich (above), who moved to South Morang in 2000, said the extension of the rail line to his suburb and, this year, to Mernda, had been great for the region.

And the roads today were better than when he arrived, the 84-year-old former public servant said.

"Plenty Road is a lot better; when we moved here it was only one lane each way. Now they're planning to widen it again," said Mr Mercovich, who once worked in a state government town planning division.

But he said the rail line and road widening works were too little too late.

"They're just trying to play catch up now, and I'm not sure they ever will. They should have done a lot more earlier."

While the northern suburbs boom, the geographical centre of Melbourne's population remains in Glen Iris, near Tait Home Timber and Hardware on Park Road. This is the point that is closer to more people in Greater Melbourne than anywhere else. In the past 10 years the population centre of Melbourne has moved a kilometre west and half a kilometre north.

Victoria's population is centred on Bakers Road in Melbourne's Coburg North. It has moved 2.5 kilometres south in the past 10 years from Sutherland Street, Hadfield.

Britain remains the most common origin country for Australians born overseas, accounting for 5 per cent of the population, down from 5.5 per cent 10 years ago. New Zealand is the second most common country of birth, accounting for 2.5 per cent of the population, up from 2.1 per cent.

Along with India and China, south-east Asia accounts for a growing share of Australia's population with the Philippines share climbing from 0.7 to 1 per cent, Vietnam's share climbing from 0.9 to 1 per cent and Malaysia's from 0.5 to 0.7 per cent.

South Africa's share has climbed from 0.6 to 0.8 per cent.