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New figures show not-for-profit health fund members get more for their money

After more than 20 years with health insurer Medibank, Maree Weatherstone decided she wasn't getting value for money and switched to a not-for-profit rival.

Her son Zac, 2, suffers from dyspraxia and needs to see a speech therapist, an occupational therapist and a chiropractor once a week to improve his movement and co-ordination.

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Forget banks, your health insurance is a rip-off

The utter gall of NIB in boasting about ripping off the public makes the banks look nice.

She moved to Defence Health in December. Not only is she paying less in premiums for a similar level of hospital and extras coverage, she's $125 better off each week.

"I'm now getting back $50 for speech therapy, $45 for OT and $30 for chiro," said Ms Weatherstone, from Umina Beach on the Central Coast. "When I was with Medibank, I got nothing back, except a little bit for chiro. I'm definitely sticking with this one."

The Private Health Insurance Ombudsman's State of the Health Funds Report 2015-16 confirms what's long been suspected - members of not-for-profit health funds get more bang for their buck.

It shows that not-for-profit health fund members receive an average of 88.9 cents back in benefits for every premium dollar paid, compared to 85.7 cents for those at for-profit funds.


The amount drops to 84.8 cents for members of Australia's top three for-profit funds - Medibank, Bupa and NIB - which have two-thirds of the market.

However, the Ombudsman says these figures shouldn't be read in isolation as a very high percentage of contributions returned as benefits may indicate that the fund is making a loss.

It's currently the busiest time of the year for the industry as customers reassess their policies ahead of the average 4.84 per cent premium price rise on April 1.

Fairfax Media earlier revealed the industry's growth rate had dropped from 3.7 per cent (209,094 new members) in 2011-12 to 1.35 per cent (86,939 new members) in 2015-16, amid growing confusion about coverage, complaints about service, and anger at above-inflation premium rises.

Medibank, which was privatised in 2014, suffered the biggest loss, shedding 45,676 customers in 2015-16.

Gerard Fogarty, chairman of Members Own Health Funds, a group of 17 not-for-profit and mutual health funds, said more than half of their new members in the past financial year came from profit-making funds.

He said the group enjoyed the largest annual increase in market share on record - 0.6 percentage points to 21.1 per cent.

"People thinking we're small and don't offer the same coverage and benefits, but that's a myth because in many cases we offer better coverage and more benefits," he said.

The Ombudsman's report shows the average percentage of members (hospital cover only) who have stuck with the same fund for two years or more about 85.8 per cent for both types of funds.

But the average drops to 82.7 per cent for the the big three, highlighting a lower level of customer satisfaction.

"Most restricted membership funds (such as Teachers Health and Police Health) rate well on this measure compared to open membership funds," the Ombudsman said.

"This may be due to the particular features of restricted membership funds, especially their links with employment."

NIB said the only difference between for-profits and not-for-profits was what they did with the profits, and that its shareholders invested the money into other parts of the economy.

"In contrast, not-for-profits can only accumulate the surplus which can lead to significant inefficiency in the allocation of capital across the economy," said its chief executive Mark Fitzgibbon.

"Essentially we target to return at 84 to 85 cents in the premium dollar and aim to make 5 to 6 cents in underwriting profit."

Bupa pointed out that one-third of the not-for-profit funds had reported an underwriting loss and this meant, to offset the results, they would have to increase premiums.

"This means, in the long run, members end up paying more for the product," Bupa's spokesman said.

"Larger insurers tend to be able to negotiate the best prices for members to use health services, meaning that while some funds may pay out a higher percentage of contributions as benefits, it does not always equate in to lower out of pocket expenses for members."

Medibank said it understood affordability was an important issue and it was working hard to add value to its products and improve the quality of its service.

Choice's savings tips

  • If you can afford to, pay your annual premium as a lump sum in March to avoid the April 1 price rise.

  • Check to see if you can join a restricted membership health fund through you or your family's employment.

  • Look for funds that offer discounts for paying annually or by direct debit.

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