

Donald Trump vows to 'fight' hard-line Republican Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Washington: US President Donald Trump effectively declared war on the House Freedom Caucus on Thursday, the powerful group of hard-line conservative Republicans who blocked the healthcare bill, vowing to "fight them" in the 2018 midterm elections.

In a morning tweet, Mr Trump warned that the Freedom Caucus would "hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast." He grouped its members, all of them Republican, with Democrats in calling for their political defeat - an extraordinary incitement of intra-party combat from a sitting president.

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US President Donald Trump and Republican leaders pulled legislation to overhaul the nation's healthcare system.

There are about three dozen members of the Freedom Caucus, and most of them were elected or re-elected comfortably in solidly Republican districts. With his tweet, Mr Trump seemed to be encouraging primary challenges to each of them in next year's elections. Asked to elaborate on Mr Trump's threat, the White House had no immediate comment.

"Nothing to add at this time," White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. "The president's tweet speaks for itself."

Mr Trump and his White House advisers have been frustrated by the intransigence of Freedom Caucus members, led by Representative Mark Meadows, from North Carolina. Mr Trump lobbied them intensively to support the GOP plan to replace former president Barack Obama's signature Affordable Care Act, only to see the bill collapse last Friday after Mr Meadows and his allies said they would not vote for it.


Mr Trump's threat comes as Republican leaders are bracing for a month of potential GOP infighting over spending priorities. Congress must pass a spending bill by April 28 to avert a government shutdown, but the path ahead, as in recent spending battles on Capitol Hill, is narrow and filled with obstacles.

Jim Jordan, an Ohio representative and Freedom Caucus member, said the break with Mr Trump on the healthcare legislation was based on real policy differences, not a lack of loyalty.

"The president can say what he wants and that's fine. But we're focused on the legislation," Mr Jordan said.

Asked if the president's tweet signalled that talks of rekindling the health bill had hit a wall, Mr Jordan said: "Look, I'm an American. I'm always optimistic. The glass is half full, right?"

Senator Rand Paul, an ally of the House Freedom Caucus, said "lines of communication are still open" between caucus members and the White House. Mr Paul said he thought the White House could reach a compromise and stopped short of criticising Mr Trump's tactics.

"I can only control my own words and my point of view is I think we still have a chance for compromise," Mr Paul said.

Looking to the midterms, Mr Paul said, "One of the biggest risks to Republicans in 2018 would be voting for a healthcare plan that raises people's insurance premiums and has less people with insurance. I think we need to get it right and I'm going to continue to be one of those that says don't just pass anything, let's get it right."

The Washington Post