'This is stupid!': the baby onesie that has dads fuming

 Photo: Getty Images

"This shirt is bulls**t" wrote one furious dad in a post to Reddit on Tuesday, along with a photo of a onesie. And yes, we completely agree with his photo evidence of said "bulls**t" baby clothing.

Because it certainly is.

The onesie in question, presented below, is apparently "daddy proof". Arrows helpfully point out where bub's head, and two arms go - oh and where to do the buttons up. "Snap!"

It's doesn't indicate where baby's legs should end up, however, so let's hope poor daddy can work it out!

Face palm.

For crying out loud - it's 2017 and we're still treating dads like incompetent, bumbling idiots when it comes to caring for their kids.


Unsurprisingly, the internet had no time for the "Daddy-proof" attire.

"I agree, this is stupid," one dad wrote. "Hate the stereotype that dads can barely hold it together with kids. I am a super involved dad. Like someone else mentioned - we don't babysit, we parent too."

"What is this 'baby' you speak of?" reads one tongue-in-cheek comment. "As a man I am only vaguely aware of some small humans in my house."

"Try this thought experiment: It's the same shirt but now it says "Mummy- proof." How would THAT go over with the public?" responded another.

"See, this could be funny if it wasn't singling out dads," said one father, summing up the sentiments of many. "If it said "tired parents" or something, yeah it'd make me laugh and I'd buy it instantly. But poking fun at dads isn't on for me anymore."

Nor us. 

Inevitably, there were also those who felt the onesie was simply "light-hearted" fun - and a bit of a laugh. But what's clear from this Reddit post is that that attitude is in the minority - most dads simply don't agree. They're offended. And those feelings matter. 

So retailers, listen up. Stop perpetuating the myth that dads have no idea what they're doing when it comes to parenting. They're deep in the trenches changing nappies, settling bub overnight, feeding and dressing their kids - (with limbs in the appropriate areas).

And what's more, they're nailing it.