Federal Politics

Tempers boil over as Shorten, Turnbull launch personal attacks

Mr Turnbull during question time.

Question time erupted into an emotionally-charged war of words on Wednesday afternoon as Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and other MPs unleashed personal attacks on each other's ethical standards and personal behaviour.

How did the government get China treaty so wrong?

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Sydney.

At 8.40am on Tuesday, just minutes after Julie Bishop had publicly backed a China extradition treaty and walked into a meeting of the leadership group, Bill Shorten rang Malcolm Turnbull.

New winners in Australia's $100 billion tourism market

Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory,

NSW and Victoria risk falling behind a soaring tourism market, new government figures show, after the east coast states experienced only a quarter of the growth in tourism numbers of the Northern Territory and half that of WA.