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Mark Latham's anger is hard to comprehend when he's been so blessed

Mark Latham's apparently bottomless rage is confoundingly hard to fathom. How often has this world been so unfeasibly kind to such a man?

As a student at Hurlstone Agricultural High, then at the University of Sydney and then as a local councillor, Latham was the beneficiary of the fruits of one of the great progressive movements of the world, dedicated not only to lifting working men out of poverty, but out of social and spiritual drudgery. He went on to become the protege of one of the great architects of the movement, Gough Whitlam, and eventually even its leader in his own right for an odd, angry period.

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Even after his parliamentary career ended, he seemed blessed. On a generous public pension he focused on raising his children and supporting his wife's legal career, his diary was edited by the nation's most prominent publisher, and it turned out he was gifted with talent too. The man can really write.

But, as long as he was on the public stage, that anger shimmered and glinted, always just in view. During his campaign against then prime minister John Howard, Latham loomed over him during a chance meeting and sought to crush his hand in an adolescent pantomime of a greeting. As an MP he scooted without charge after he broke the arm of a taxi driver during an altercation over a fare.

The anger has been there too in the many media gigs he was offered after leaving office.

As an occasionally brilliant columnist for The Australian Financial Review, he savaged women who challenged him or whose views he disapproved of in ugly personal terms. He took to Twitter to attack the Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty. He declared that men turned to domestic violence as a "coping mechanism".


You can't know what lies in a man's heart, but it is during this period that Latham left clues as to the source of the anger.

What really seemed to piss him off most was a change in the concerns of Labor and left-wing politics. Towards the end of last century and in the early years of the new one, the ALP, driven by dogged campaigners within, did what all healthy progressive movements did around the world. It expanded its focus from cementing the rights of the men to securing and expanding the rights of women and minorities.

Latham raged against women, including Batty and other prominent feminists during an ugly appearance at The Melbourne Writers Festival which he claimed to be courageous straight talk.

"What's wrong with a bit of unfiltered conversation? And the word f--- and c---, they've been on the front page of The Australian so they've been legitimised, so let's get right into it – f---, c---, poo, bum."

The ALP, he said, needed to abandon "symbolic" stuff like marriage equality and Indigenous recognition and return to the "concerns of suburban Australia".

And, as Latham never tired of telling us, he would be the final arbiter of what were legitimate suburban concerns.

When Donald Trump won the US presidential election last year, it must have seemed to Sky News that there was a hungry audience for this angry, white man schtick and so he was given yet another opportunity to vent.

Outsiders is (was?) a panel show hosted by three blokes so divorced from the media elites that they snared a TV show with a single phone call.

Here Latham relaxed into that most boring of contemporary debating tropes. Anything Outsiders (two former MPs and a magazine editor with a secondary newspaper column) disagreed with was declared to be "identity politics".

Believing what climate scientists said was identity politics, taking the wrong stance in the 18C debate was identity politics, voicing concern about the Trump administration was identity politics. Campaigning against domestic violence was identity politics.

Everything, except endlessly identifying as a western Sydney dad, it seemed, was identity politics, just as any rhetorical challenge to his point of view was an attack on freedom of speech.

This is the context in which it somehow made sense to Latham to attack an accomplished high school student as "gay" because he championed feminism on International Women's Day.

On Wednesday afternoon, about the same time news broke that Latham had been dumped by Sky News, his long dormant Twitter feed snapped back to life with Trumpian vigour.

"Why does bigoted Left assume use of word "gay" automatically negative? I love gays! Away from poisonous Left politics they are great people," he tweeted.

And a few minutes later this: "Outsiders already fielding offers of new platforms to continue important work, free from those who cave in to pathetic PC outrage industry."

And it's true, it is hard to imagine Latham won't be back to continue his important work, to maintain his unfathomable rage.


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